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Q: What section did Hamilton use of the Constitution to defend the bank?
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Who argued that the Constitution did not specifically grant Congress the power to establish a national bank?

Alexander Hamilton

What was Hamilton interpretation of the Constitution?

he argued that the bank was necessary to carry out the government duties

What was Hamilton interpretation of constitution?

he argued that the bank was necessary to carry out the government duties

Hamilton believed the Constitution ________ gave Congress the power to create a bank.?


Defend alexander hamilton's stance in flavor of the creation of a national bank?

I don't even know sorry

The Constitution makes no mention of a national bank How did each man justify his position on constitutional grounds?

Alexander Hamilton had a National Bank accepted into the federal government by the Necessary and Proper clause. There, it states implied powers, which are basically what the name is. There are certain things in the Constitution that imply that topics such as the National Bank (Section 8 of the Constitution) would be constitutional if necessary for carrying out the Government at the time.

Hamilton and Madison disagreed strongly over the issue of whether a national bank was?

Hamilton and Madison strongly opposed each other on this issue. Hamilton, believing that the establishment of a national bank was constitutional, argued that Article I, Section I allowed them to establish one. This Section states that congress can make any law that is "necessary and proper" for the nation. The debate over this was whether or not a national bank was necessary. Hamilton argues why the national bank is necessary and proper, while Madison argues that it is not. Madison's other main argument is that the Constitution also leaves any powers that are not specifically directed to the federal government are to be given to either the states or the people.

Alexander Hamilton argued that the Constitution permitted the creation of the Bank of the US under the?

nessasary and proper

Alexander Hamilton believed that the Constitution gave the Federal Government the authority to establish what?

A nation bank. The Federal Reserve Bank was a result.

In the mid-1800s who wanted a national bank?

The North section of the country. Proposed by Alexander Hamilton.

What part of the constitution does Andrew Hamilton use for his argument for national bank?

According to The supreme Court in McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) said that Article I, Section 8. The "Necessary and Proper" Clause gave Congress the power to establish a national bank.

Did Thomas Jefferson favor the creation of a national bank?

He didn't because he believed in strict construction of he constitution, which led him to believe that anything that is not written clearly in the constitution should not be done. Thus he opposed the creation of the bank because the constitution did not specifically grant power to Congress to create one. Alexander Hamilton favor the bank, because he believed in lose construction of the Constitution, and according to the "Elastic clause", the congress can do whatever that is for the good of the people. Thus Hamilton was for the creation of the national bank.