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Q: What secular music was popular in England during late renaissance?
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What idea of the Renaissance led to more secular art?

For the most part, art during the Renaissance was religious. However, portraiture as well as mythological themes were also popular (secular) themes.

What was humanism and how was it expressed during the Renaissance?

Humanism was a cultural and intellectual movement during the Renaissance that focused on the revival of classical learning and emphasized the importance of human potential and achievement. It was expressed through the study of classical texts, the development of individual creativity, and a renewed focus on human experiences and emotions in art, literature, and philosophy. Humanism also promoted the idea of human dignity, worth, and agency.

What instrument was popular during the renaissance?

The harpsichord was a popular instrument during the Renaissance.

What is an air de cour?

An air de cour is a piece of secular vocal music popular in France during the Renaissance and early Baroque period.

What instrument was popular during the renaissance time?

The lute was a popular instrument during the Renaissance.

Who is favorite secular genre of the renaissance was?

Secular music genres such as madrigals and chansons were popular during the Renaissance period. Madrigals were particularly favored for their expressive and emotional content, evolving into a sophisticated form of vocal music characterized by intricate harmonies and texts inspired by poetry.

Which figural arrangement was most popular during the Renaissance?

Triangular composition was most popular during the Renaissance.

What was NOT a popular form during the Renaissance period?

Plain song was not a popular form during the Renaissance period.

Which was NOT a popular form during the Renaissance period?

Gregorian chants were not a popular form during the Renaissance period.

How did art change during the Renaissance?

During the Renaissance Era the art changed by: Art became less focused on religion. Art became more humanist. Art became more secular.

Is this true or false during the Renaissance a more secular or worldly viewpoint developed?

True. During the Renaissance, there was a shift towards a more secular or worldly viewpoint, as humanism emphasized the importance of the individual and human experience, rather than focusing solely on religious matters. This led to a greater interest in art, literature, and scientific inquiry based on human reason and observation.

Were the madrigals during the Renaissance period used to convey poem meanings in a sacred musical form?

No, madrigals were secular vocal compositions that set poetry to music and were popular during the Renaissance period. They were typically written in vernacular languages and often expressed themes of love, nature, and social satire. Sacred music in the Renaissance, such as motets and masses, was used for religious purposes in liturgical settings.