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I would throw it away.

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Q: What shall you do with burnt milk?
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How can you remove burnt test from milk?

unfortunately milk will retain a burnt taste. you need to start over.

Is milk burning in a pot a chemical change?

Burnt milk residue is chemically different from milk.

Does UHT milk taste different from fresh milk?

Yes. Generally UHT milk has a more burnt taste due to the high heat treatment required. Fresh pasteurised milk could also have a slight burnt taste, but much less than UHT milk.

What shall you do with empty milk packet?

Recycle the empty milk packet.

Can you give me a quote of a famous person who puts his employees interest before his?

"He who sacrifices a whole offering shall be rewarded for a whole offering; he who offers a burnt-offering shall have the reward of a burnt-offering; but he who offers humility to God and man shall be rewarded with a reward as if he had offered all the sacrifices in the world."

What is a disadvantage of milk?

UHT milk can have a slightly burnt taste. A small amount of vitamins are lost during the processing, but this is not a large amount.

Shall you eat Cadbury dairy milk on fast?

yes you can......

Shall you drink your sister's milk?

It can't hurt you. Full of nutrients.

How do you remove burnt milk smell?

The milk can't be saved throw it out. The smell in the kitchen will dissipate over time, set up a fan to increase airflow in the kitchen. Wash thoroughly the pan you burned the milk in.

What shall you feed a baby rat about a day old without his mother?

Rat milk.

How do you get burnt milk taste out of a cream soup?

The cowboy touch: Add a couple of shots of black coffee. The coffee doesn't exactly remove the burnt aromas but disguises them. The coffee with the fresh ingredients should sufficiently hide the burnt flavours enough for you to save the day.

How do you get the tips of your nails white?

you have to drink lots of milk than wait a few day and you shall get your result