

What should 11 year olds drink with the flu?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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I recommend drinking alot of water since you lose water when you have the flu. I also recommend drinking something like soup.

They shouldn't drink pop, coffee and Hot Chocolate these just dont help the flu.

Also fruit juices seem like a good choice but they may cause diarrhea or an upset stomach.

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Q: What should 11 year olds drink with the flu?
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There is no "cure" for gastric flu or any other type of flu. Flu shots you get are preventative medicine, they do not cure you of anything.With any flu, you want to drink plenty of liquids, you will have depleted electrolytes and Gatorade is good to help replenish them. But drink water as well.

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There's no research on this and it all depends on your normal health. 40% of those who have died were under the age of 30, but they were mostly adults.

Would it be worth getting flu shot although you have had the flu?

Yes, because the flu changes from year to year and if you don't know if the flu you had was this years or last, why take the risk. Get one every year.

What if you have been exposed and did not have a flu shot?

You may get the flu. Next year get the flu vaccination.