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Q: What should I do i have to go to camp but my period starts I don't want be by the pool and start bleeding but I don't always want to be taking out dry tampons?
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What if your period comes a day before your supposed to take your NuvaRing out?

You should use the ring on schedule regardless of bleeding. If your period starts while it's in, leave it in until you're scheduled to remove it. You can still use pads or tampons for bleeding as usual.

Should you wear a tampon when receiving a massage though your period is not on?

No, tampons should only be used when you're on your period. Never use when not menstruating as this will be uncomfortable and potentially increase your risk of contracting Toxic Shock Syndrome. There's absolutely no reason to use tampons when not on your period, having a massage makes no difference: there's no reason why you should need to use tampons while having a massage.

When you get your first period after stopping Depo-Provera should you use tampons?

You can use anything you like - pads, tampons, cup -- with your period after stopping depo provera.

What kind period supplies are good for a dancer?

If you're using tampons, then you should use them often when you're dancing and just wear what you want after. But, if you don't use tampons I would suggest using an Always Infinnity pad.

What should you do if your on your period swimming?

tampons if you are swimming etc but if in the bath, nothing :)

Tampons and swimming?

You don't have to use tampons to swim while on your period. You can use menstrual cups and softcups for swimming, as well as safer than tampons cups can be worn with light flow which tampons can't, menstrual cups also don't leak like other options. You can also simply sit-out of swimming while you're on your period, it's up to you what you use and what you do on your period.

Can you use tampons if you haven't started your period?

No, you should only use tampons when menstruating. Using tampons when not menstruating not only puts you at unnecissary risk but also increases risks of Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). TSS is caused when certain bacteria multiply and create a toxin, if you lack antibodies this bacterial toxins overwhelms your immune system and it can be fatal. Tampons always risk TSS but using tampons when you're not menstruating or using too high a flow increases risks because tampons dry-out vaginal tissues causing ulceration that gives the bacterial toxins a direct route into your bloodstream. Not to mention that using tampons when not bleeding would be very uncomfortable due to friction and the drying effect on your vagina.

Is it safe to use a tampon a few days after a miscarriage?

No, tampons should not be used a few days after a miscarriage and there's no reason to use tampons as you will not be menstruating at that time. During miscarriage tissue from the pregnancy needs to be expelled, the cervix is more open so you're at higher risk of infection and TSS - thus using tampons would be very dangerous. If you still have bleeding then use pads or period underwear.

If you think your pregnant can you use tampons?

It's biologically impossible to menstruate while pregnant - although it is possible to experience vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, it isn't that common. If you are pregnant and start to experience vaginal bleeding you should seek immediate medical attention.You should only ever use tampons during menstruation when you know how heavy your bleeding is going to be in order to know what absorbency tampon that you can use safely.

What can help a heavy period?

A heavy flow should be dabbed by super jumbo tampons

When is it a good time to start to use tampons?

You should start using tampons as soon as you are comfortable with your period as well as your pads. If you are a swimmer, athlete etc. you should try tampons cause you can go underwater. To use a tampon varies w/ different people.

Im 12 and just started your period what do you do?

Well, I Should Hope Your Mum Has Had The Talk With You By Now. Lol. But If Not... Basically You Have You Clear It Up So Get Yourself Some Tampons Or Period Pads. Period Pads Lay In Your Knickers , And Tampons Go Inside You. =]