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You can use anything you like - pads, tampons, cup -- with your period after stopping depo provera.

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Q: When you get your first period after stopping Depo-Provera should you use tampons?
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How long does it take to start your period after stopping the depoprovera injections?

After the last shot of Depo Provera, it can take over 6 months for the drug to leave the body.But you should start another form of birth control after 6-12 weeks after your last shot.

Should you wear a tampon when receiving a massage though your period is not on?

No, tampons should only be used when you're on your period. Never use when not menstruating as this will be uncomfortable and potentially increase your risk of contracting Toxic Shock Syndrome. There's absolutely no reason to use tampons when not on your period, having a massage makes no difference: there's no reason why you should need to use tampons while having a massage.

What should you do if your on your period swimming?

tampons if you are swimming etc but if in the bath, nothing :)

What can help a heavy period?

A heavy flow should be dabbed by super jumbo tampons

When is it a good time to start to use tampons?

You should start using tampons as soon as you are comfortable with your period as well as your pads. If you are a swimmer, athlete etc. you should try tampons cause you can go underwater. To use a tampon varies w/ different people.

Im 12 and just started your period what do you do?

Well, I Should Hope Your Mum Has Had The Talk With You By Now. Lol. But If Not... Basically You Have You Clear It Up So Get Yourself Some Tampons Or Period Pads. Period Pads Lay In Your Knickers , And Tampons Go Inside You. =]

What do you do if you have your period?

You should write down the date so you can track it, and use either feminine pads, or tampons.

What slows down girl puberty?

Nothing. For your period, nothing, really. Tampons and pads should be used, however.

Wjen should you try to get pregnant after stopping depo?

You can try to get pregnant at any time after stopping Depo. There is no need for a waiting period.

What should you carry in your backpack in case you get your period?

you should probably carry : Tampons towels a plastic bag paracetemol sanitizer clean knickers

Tampons and swimming?

You don't have to use tampons to swim while on your period. You can use menstrual cups and softcups for swimming, as well as safer than tampons cups can be worn with light flow which tampons can't, menstrual cups also don't leak like other options. You can also simply sit-out of swimming while you're on your period, it's up to you what you use and what you do on your period.

Why do you use a tampon after your period as taken place?

You don't, you should only ever use tampons when menstruating.Tampons are not hygienic or healthy so they should be avoided when at all possible, if you do use tampons you only use them during menstruation. You shouldn't use tampons when not menstruating or even with light flow, with less blood tampons will absorb more vaginal discharge resulting in splitting and ulceration in the vaginal walls so higher risk of TSS.