

What should I do to prevent having osteoporosis?

Updated: 9/16/2019
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11y ago

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Getting enough calcium and vitamin d are essential in preventing osteoporosis. Eating healthy and keeping active will help significantly with prevention.

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Q: What should I do to prevent having osteoporosis?
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How can you prevent osteoporosis from happening?

Osteoporosis can prevent by having self discipline. Eating healthy foods and having proper exercise is the keys.

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When do I need to worry about osteoporosis and what should I do to prevent it?

Preventing osteoporosis should be a lifelong quest. Throughout your life you should consume calcium and magnesium and do weight-bearing exercise. The amount of calcium that you should take will increase with age.

Can copper prevent osteoporosis?

Copper may play a role in preventing osteoporosis.

What is the best exercise for osteoporosis?

Weight training is the best exercise to prevent osteoporosis

My boyfriend has been having severe chest pains can it be Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is weakening of the bones, chest pains mean you should go to the doctor. Stat!

What is the most important consideration in preventing osteoporosis?

To try to prevent osteoporosis, you should try to keep active. If you continue to move around, your bones and body will remain healthy. Additionally, you should try to drink an increased amount of milk.

How does weight lifting relate to osteoporosis?

Lifting weights increases the density of the bone which helps prevent osteoporosis.

What foods should I be avoiding to lower my risk of getting Osteoporosis?

There are no foods that can make you "escape" osteoporosis. You can increase your calcium intake to try and help you prevent it, or the side effects. Good luck and check with your doctor.

Do osteoporosis supplements cure osteoporosis disease?

Unfortunately, there is no known cure for osteoporosis. You can help treat and prevent it by taking calcium, vitamin D, eating healthy, and exercising regularly.

Can you conceive a child while having osteoporosis?

Yes, you can. There may be complications and it will make your osteoporosis worse, but yes.

What can I do about osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones deteriorate. In turn, you can prevent this harmful disease by eating foods that are rich in calcium such as dairy products and plants.