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Impeachment Proceedings or Articles of Impeachment may be cause for removal from the Office of the Presidency for willful Violation of a U.S. Constitutional amendment in which the President of the United states is sworn under to uphold and enforce as the Chief Executive Officer of the Us Government. Since some people seem to believe Barack Obama has done something worthy of impeachment (as some people believed the same about his predecessor, President Bush), it is worth noting that disagreeing with a president's policies is not grounds for impeachment. The grounds are the commission of "high crimes and misdemeanors." There is no evidence that Mr. Obama has committed any crimes while in office.

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Q: What should be done to a President of The US who goes against a Constitutional right?
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What should be done to a President of The US who goes against a Constitutional right should impeachment be considered?

First, I am not sure what constitutional right you think the president has gone against. Perhaps you are thinking of the gun control debate. It should be noted that advocating for some restrictions on gun ownership, while obviously controversial, is not unique-- other presidents, including Ronald Reagan, have done it too. Thus, President Obama has not violated any constitutional rights, contrary to what you may hear on talk shows. Also, not agreeing with a president is not grounds to impeach him. The constitution says a president may only be impeached for "high crimes and misdemeanors," and for treason. It is doubtful that President Obama has committed any act that would be grounds for impeachment.

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Thomas Jefferson questioned the right to buy the Louisiana Purchase.

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People needed to understand the constitutional right of Congressto institute tax laws.

Why did the president Washington personally lead the army against westerners in the whiskey rebellion?

because people needed to understand the constitutional right of Congressto institute tax laws.

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president lincoln

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President Thomas Jefferson questioned the constitutional right to purchase the Louisiana Territory.

Why did President Washington personally lead the army against westerners in the Whiskey Rebellion?

President Washington feared that the rebels threatened the federal government's authority. He believed he needed to make people understand that the constitution gave congress the right to pass and enforce the tax. As an aside the tax was the result of Alexander Hamilton's fiscal policies. Naturally he urged Washington to take swift action.

What is included in the constitutional right to a fair trial?

You have the right against self-incrimination, the right to counsel, and the right to a fair and impartial jury of your peers.

What were the societal and professional backgrounds of the delegates to the Constitutional Convention?

They were the richest people who were against the constitution and who believed lay was right

How can christian science get you out of the flu shot?

It is your constitutional right to not get a flu shot. It is against my religious belief as a Christian Scientist.

What was the president who made the law that women had the right to vote?

Woodrow Wilson was the President when the women's suffrage amendment (19th) was ratified into law on August 18, 1920. ( You should realize that the President plays no direct role in the proposal or ratification of constitutional amendments.)

A constitutional right which protects the individual against unlawful imprisonment?

It is the "Habeas Corpus". This constitutional writ was suspended by Lincoln in order to put down the "Rebellion of the South" in 1861 after the turmoils in Maryland.