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Take your cat to see an animal doctor (a vet). The vet will diagnose what is wrong with your cat and tell you what medicine it should be given.

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Q: What should be prescribed for a cat that has runny nose and lethargic?
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If your patient complains of a runny nose, the first thing you should do is check the patient's temperature.

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While both running nose and runny nose are correct, the preferred term is runny nose. A running nose is a specific instance of the event.

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Can methamphetamine abuse cause a runny nose?

Yes, meth can cause a clogged or runny nose.

What is Loratidine 10mg usually prescribed for?

Loratidine is usually prescribed for allergy symptons like a runny nose and watery eyes(e.g. in hay fever) and for a skin condition with red or pale itching patches.

What means a runny nose?

When you have cold or cough, people say we have a runny nose which means that the stored cough comes out our body through our nose

What if your nose is wet and you blow it regularly?

runny nose

My son two years old how do i get rid of runny nose?

Give him some runny nose medicine everyday.

Can you mix aceaminophen and pseudoephedrine to stop a runny nose?

Pseudoephedrine is for stuffy nose not runny nose. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) is for runny nose. Both can be taken with acetaminophen. You can check this by looking at the medicinal ingredients of various over-the-counter cold medications.