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you should stretch your leg muscles or if that hurts more give it some rest for a couple of days and if still hurts after you have tried that then you should see your doctor

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Q: What should one do if after running for few minutes he feels pain in his legs?
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What should you do if your legs hurt?

Maybe you should sleep on it for a little while. And see how it feels then.

How long should your cool - down after running 15 minutes last time?

If you only ran 15 minutes it shouldn't be very long of a cool down. Just don't sit down after, your legs will get really sore

How should you stretch before running workout?

you should stretch your legs and arms for warming up

How long does it take for legs to strengthen?

To get your legs to strengthen by running and running because this is using your muscles and that helps your legs to strengthen.

Why do your legs get heavy when you run?

from not running. you should run more so this will not happen so often

How athletic do you have to be to play soccer?

You have to be able to sta 90 minutes almost running the whole time. Legs big and strong enough to kick 80 meters.

How many calf raises should a person be able to do in five minutes?

I usually do 400 but that makes my legs hurt

How do you build muscles in your legs?

by running

How can you make your legs smaller?

"Big" legs are caused by an increase in the amount of muscle and fat buildup in the leg area. If the person is overweight, then the leg consists mostly of fat and muscle needed to support the weight of the individual. However, if the subject is low in weight and feels that their legs are "too big," this is either due to genetics or too much workout on the legs. The best way to achieve smaller legs is to go running (though it will construct the legs into a muscle power hard as rock). If running only causes your legs to blow up by muscle gain, then the legs were small to begin with. Also, running gets rid of the cellulite gathered around the thigh area, creating a smoother look on the thighs rather than the ripple effect from the cellulite. Overall, losing weight can have the same effect as gaining smaller legs. This is through experience and not through any type of superficial knowledge.

How many days off should you have after running a 5k race for your legs?

Some runners (like me) actually go jogging the day of or day after a 5k race. The Lactic acid stays in your legs for some time after a race, and running pushed blood through, breaking up the acid and helping your legs heal.

Why do female cats kick up their legs when mating?

feels good

Does the number of cats legs matter when running?

yes, Less legs=less mobility.