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well u kno what if u wernt so fat! u wouldn't ned to be researching to get ur metabolism fast!

so loose weight, starve .. no one likes fat people btw!

you are just such a rude rude person!!

anyway.. i exercize alot and that helps out.

alot of fiber in your diet also(:

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

In a sense, all of them. You want to always make sure your body is getting what it needs, that will help keep your metabolism active. If you really want to increase your metabolism, you need to focus on raising your activity level. A good balance of aerobics and weight training. Aerobics do a great job of using your muscles to burn calories, that is a part of how your bodies metabolism works. While weight training helps you builds muscle, since the more muscle you have, the more calories you can burn with the same level of activity.

Back to food though, you will want to make your calories count. Avoid empty calories at all cost, in particular refined sugars and starches. These offer almost no nutritional value, and they are broken down quickly by your body. They leave you hungry again sooner than other foods and your body will still be craving the nutrients it needs.

If you don't already, you may want to consider eating more numerous small meals a day. A good approach is 5 meals a day, starting with when you wake up and then every 3 hours after that. Humans were originally foragers, hunters and gatherers. We were meant to graze on food as we came across it. Missing meals and/or only eating once or twice a day sets off internal triggers telling your body to slow down its calorie burn and start storing what it can to help you survive. Figure out your calorie needs, based on age, gender, height, weight, and activity level and stay within 10-20% either way of that number with your daily calorie intake. If your goal is to loose fat, eat below your need level, but within that range. If your goal is a build muscle, then eat a bit over, once again within that range.

A healthy well-balanced diet and regular exercise, including aerobics and weight training, are the key to a strong optimum metabolism.

For more information and free plans and lists to take you further, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

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βˆ™ 8y ago


Well, there are excellent free methods that you can use. I'll overview them on this page and the page links given at the bottom of the answer will provide you with detailed information showing you how to do it step-by-step at your own pace. The methods are sustainable long term and they work well together. There is a pattern of eating, plus foods to eat, plus foods to avoid, and specific exercises that will all show you how to speed up metabolism.

First, eat a small meal about every three waking hours (this may be five or six meals per day). You will simply be spreading your food throughout the day, not eating more food. Each of those small meals should contain at least 20 grams of protein per feeding for a male and at least 15 grams of protein for a female.

Second, change your eating habits by eliminating or limiting refined processed carbohydrates (apart from the occasional treat). Refined processed carbohydrates can have negative affects on health. Over-consumption of these foods is a major cause of weight gain, insulin resistance, obesity, Heart disease, type 2 Diabetes, and many diet related diseases. Replace those foods with 'specific fat burning proteins' and take advantage of the thermic effect of those foods. If you are unsure what these foods are, you will a list of refined processed carbohydrates, and a list of the specific fat burning proteins, with more information about the thermic effect, at the bottom of this answer.

Third, you need to drink plenty of fresh water. Unless you are already doing so, increase your intake daily until you are consuming at least 3 quarts daily. One gallon daily would be even better.

Fourth, boost your metabolism with a program of cardio exercise. Today, for example, go for a walk at the best pace you can manage until you are comfortably tired. Note how far you walked. The day after tomorrow, go for another walk but increase the distance slightly. Continue walking every other day until you are walking four miles. Once you have achieved that, slightly increase your pace with each walk until you are walking those four miles in just under one hour. Do your walking every other day. Walking in this cardio way will burn many extra calories. There are 2 free mild cardio walking plans (one easier plan, one slightly harder plan, to get you started, listed at the bottom of this answer. Alternatively, if you are accustomed to exercise, use the intense cardio plan listed at the bottom of this answer.

Optional fifth, if you wish to add more to all the above, begin a strength/weight training program to increase your muscle mass. This too will increase your metabolism. Muscle is a metabolic furnace that will burn extra calories 24 hours daily and not just when you are exercising. Young or old, male or female, everyone can benefit from strength training. You are never too old to begin. Work out twice a week (see the page links at the bottom of this answer). Concentrate only on the basic exercises such as squats, deadlifts, presses, rows, and chins. The free strength/weight training programs available in the link given below, will guide you.


For the free lists and plans to speed up your metabolism use the page links given below.

  1. LIST OF REFINED PROCESSED CARBOHYDRATES (these slow down metabolism)
  2. LIST OF 15 SPECIFIC FAT BURNING PROTEINS (to replace the refined processed carbohydrates)
  3. MILD CARDIO WALKING PLANS TO SPEED UP METABOLISM (one easier plan, one harder plan)
  7. STRENGTH/WEIGHT TRAINING EXERCISES TO SPEED UP METABOLISM (suitable for males or females of all ages from beginner onward)

25 people, + others elsewhere, found the 'how to speed up metabolism' answer page useful.

Before changing your exercise habits first consult with your own physician if you have any existing health problems.

Video: Fat boost metabolism complete workout
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Metabolism boosting foods help marginally increase the burn rate of the body, and when eaten within the context of a balanced diet and exercise can help weight loss significantly. Unfortunately there is no proven lasting way to simply eat your way to a lower weight without some side effects, so exercise should definitely be included.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Curries, chilli based foods will speed up the metabolism. Sure there are other foods.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

caffine, nicotine, amphetamines, cocaine are a few.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Anything with a low glycemic index help as they keep you fuller for longer and drinking white tea (Chinese tea) speeds up your metabolism.

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Are there any foods that someone someone should eat to boost their metabolism?

Although they need to be coupled with other healthy habits there are foods that can boost ones metabolism. They include blueberries, tomatoes, dark green leafy vegetables, fish and foods high in fiber. Also very important is water consumption to stay hydrated.

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Everyone should eat iodized salt to prevent thyroid problems, a slow metabolism, and weight gain.

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You have to eat more, and eat food with high calories and fat. Don't try and clog your arteries though.

What to eat after 60?

You should eat whole grains and watch the fats because you gain weight more so quickly because your metabolism is not as high

What steroids help speed up the metabolism?

Steroids aid protein synthesis which increases lean muscle mass in combination with diet, which increases active metabolic rate. That’s why pro body builders can eat so much and not gain too much fat. Thermogenics can also slightly increase metabolic rate with a small raise in body temperature.

How often should someone on a diet plan eat throughout the day?

The best eating schedule to lose weight is one that allows for small, healthy meals throughout the day. This keeps your metabolism up. Three square meals with two snacks should also work well. Just remember to make them healthy meals and snacks. If you only eat one large meal in the afternoon, your metabolism will take a nosedive and you might actually gain weight.

Should your metabolic rate must be high or low?

Well its okay to have low metabolism when you have high metabolism it means that when you eat alot of junk food you wouldn't gain as much weight as you really would if you didnt have high metabolism. Hope this helped!

What do you do to get a fast metabolism?

Speeding up your metabolism is fairly simple. Basic healthy living will grant you what you desire. Green tea helps remove toxins, which helps. Being in cold conditions can speed up your metabolism. Research shows that being cold can increase your metabolism by 20%. Brisk early morning walks would help with being active and being cold. On the flip side of this, being very warm also speeds it up. Saunas are good for this. Curry. They make your heart beat faster from the spices, be sure to eat low-calorie and low-fat ones. Your metabolism could increase your metabolism by up to 50% for around 3 hours after eating. Protein. Lean meat, chicken without the skin and low fat dairy products such as cheese and milk. Eat small amounts of healthy food more often. Snacking on skinless chicken salads and such will speed up your metabolism. Most importantly, get active and eat healthy! From working out at home to running or visiting the gym. This will help speed up your metabolism, burn fat and build muscle.

Energy needed for metabolism comes from?

The energy needed for metabolism comes from the food you eat. That is why unhealthy food slows down the metabolism.

Is it truue that if you dont eat you gan waight?

Your metabolism is responsible for burning calories. It adjusts depending on how much you eat each day. For example, if you eat 3000 calories every day, your metabolism adjusts to start burning 3000 calories every day. So if you don't eat, your metabolism pretty much shuts off and the next time you eat, it will take time to change, and therefore every calorie you ate will be stored as fat. This is the reason diets don't work very well, people limit their calorie intake, which slows down the rate of their metabolism. The metabolisms slows down when someone eats less food because the body perceives this as someone not having access to enough food, it's called 'Survival Mode.'

What do metabolism eat?

bacteria and smaller protists