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The first part of a citation is typically the author's last name or the name of the organization responsible for the content.

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Q: What should the first part of your citation be (what comes directly after the opening parenthesis)?
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Should the comma come before or after the parenthesis?

If a comma is needed, it normally comes after parenthesis.

Every quote or paraphrase should be cited and every in-text citation must directly correspond with an entry in the?

works-cited page

Should the Period be before or after parenthesis?


What if a speeding citation is not signed by the officer or the person receiving the citation?

Neither may be required. If the officer's signature is required then the citation may be dismissed. You should contact the court listed on the citation for information .

When quoting words directly from the story a writer should surround them with quotation marks?

Yes, that is correct. Using quotation marks helps to indicate to the reader that the words being written are directly taken from the story or another source. This practice is important for proper citation and attribution.

Why do you work problems in parenthesis first?

Parenthesis are grouping symbols () as well as brackets [] and braces {}. These symbols are used specifically to denote that the operation in the parenthesis should be completed first. This is to avoid confusion and incorrect answers by using the standard order of operations: Multiply and Divide, Add and Subtract.

What situations would you need to include a citation to acknowledge an outside source?

You should include a citation to acknowledge an outside source whenever you directly quote or paraphrase information from that source in your work. This is important to give credit to the original author or researcher and to avoid plagiarism. Additionally, you should cite sources to provide evidence for your own arguments or to support the information you present.

Flight time between mia to sea in a citation x?

From MIA to SEA should take the Citation X about 7 hours, 13 minutes.

Why should you get a bike license?

You should get a bike license if you ride a bike and don't want a citation.

What should be included in an in-text citation?

An in-text citation should include the author's last name and the publication year of the source. If the author's name is not available, you can use the title of the source. It should be placed in parentheses within the text close to the cited information.

Where should a complete MLA citation appear in a correctly formatted paper?

A complete MLA citation should appear on a separate "Works Cited" page at the end of a correctly formatted paper. The entries should be arranged alphabetically by the author's last name or by the title if there is no author. Each citation should include the key elements such as author, title, publication information, and publication date.

Is a citation valid if I didn't sign it?

Typically, a citation does not require a signature to be valid. The validity of a citation is determined by the accuracy and credibility of the source from which the information is obtained. However, it is good practice to include the author or source name in a citation to provide attribution.