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Q: What should we do if we are on 3rd story of a weak 3 story house during a big earthquake (say 8.5 mangnitude)?
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What position should you stay in during an earthquake?

if earthquake occurs, you should stay in your house where the warmest area you can think of, back in India there was a earthquake and family's held hands together in the toilet where they sleep.

What is an earthquake safe house?

It's a house that can stand during an earthquake. STUPID adding to that remark, :) an earthquake safe house has special features, meaning it is less affected by an earthquake. things like coils between the structure and the base are common in affected countries

Where in your house should you go if there is an earthquake?

Go to your basement and hide

What should you make your earthquake prone model house out of?

Thin cardboard.

How do you protect my family during an earthquake?

I would protect my family by telling them to go out instead of just sitting in the house and their house would colapse.

What should you do if you feel an earthquake coming?

you should run to a door frame and stand there with your hands on the frame. why? because that is the firmest place in the house.

What should you put in an earthquake kit and where should you store it?

A good earthquake kits will have bottled water, blankets, a flashlight with extra batteries, and a crystal radio. You should store it someplace near the front door, so you can grab it on your way out of the house.

What is the main reason why people should build their houses out of strong material in case of an earthquake?

Material that isn't strong has a higher chance of being destroyed, and a higher chance of death if the house caves in during the quake.

Is a bathroom a safe place to be during an earthquake?

I would rather go out of the house, to an open space like a park or in the country if possible.

What are the three best things you can do to protect yourself during an earthquake?

Go to the basement. Stay outside. Don't go back in the house.

Is it bad to be upstairs in an earthquake?

Not necessarily. If a house is sturdy enough to be able to go through a small earthquake, then there is no problem in being there. However, if a large earthquake occurs, a tsunami occurs after an earthquake, or if your house is old and therefore unstable, it is best to stay on the lowest level of you house.

Why do the people have to stay you there house during an earthquake?

Type your answer here... That way you don't fall in a crack of have something fall on you in the open. If your in a house and under something, your less likely to get hurt.