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Q: What should you call a polar bear mixed with a bird and a moose?
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Can a polar bear kill a moose?

It is highly unlike that a polar bear would even get a chance to kill a moose because these animals live in two entirely different biomes. You would not see a polar bear in the boreal or transition-boreal forests, nor would you find a moose in the arctic near the coastline. For that reason, no a polar bear would not nor could not kill a moose. However, as far as human-ability to be very imaginative, it is likely that a polar bear could kill a moose.

What do eskamos eat?

they eat moose and polar bear.

Who would win grizzly or moose?

The polar bear might have a chance to win because it can tear up the moose. With its strength and size advantage, a polar bear could break a moose's head with one swipe of its claws and a shatter of its horns with paws too. However, a moose would often run off from the polar bear unless if it got cornered. If that happens, the moose would try to kill the polar bear with its antlers, but the polar bear would kill it first.Probably the polar bear because when the moose tries hitting it with antlers, the polar bear would swipe its head to death.Another AnswerThe polar bear would most likely win this fight. A moose has those antlers that are strong enough to knock down a lion or a black bear with them if contacted at them. But a polar bear has those strengths and power with its claws to blow down the moose's head before the moose had a good chance to gore the polar bear to death. However, a polar bear can even kill and take down a musk ox without getting badly injured because a polar bear's size plus strength is good enough to kill such animals. A grizzly bear might also have a chance to kill a moose because the grizzly bear has been known to attack adult bull moose and kill them with their strength of claws. If a polar bear fight a moose, the polar bear would end up having a good prey to eat.

Can a large cow moose with long sharp hooves kill a polar bear?

It's possible, but not likely since the polar bear lives in a different climatic zone and biome than a moose does.

Which is stronger a moose or a bear?

Depends on the species of the bear. Moose are stronger than black bears, but not grizzlies, brown bears nor polar bears.

Can a cow moose protecting the young kill an attacking polar bear?

No. The cow moose would only injure it with its hooves.

Do moose weigh more than bears?

Most, not all though. Typically a Polar bear and a Kodiak bear may be larger than a moose, especially a young one or a cow, but they may weigh around the same or slightly more or less than a bull moose, especially the males, not the females. However, moose are always (except the calves) going to be bigger than a black bear.

Can a walrus kill a polar bear?

Definitely. A polar bear is much bigger and stronger than a grizzly bear, when it has sharper claws, stronger jaws, and is a better killer.Large male polar bears are larger than male grizzlies. However, since the grizzly is a race of the brown bear, which has specimens as large as polar bears, it's hard to say. The race called grizzly bear is somewhat smaller than the coastal race called Kodiak bear. There exists video of a grizzly bear driving polar bears away from a garbage dump.

Is a polar bear a decomposer?

No a polar bear is a consumer... like humans.

Who would win a fight a bull moose on the rut or an aggressive giant polar bear?

It's hard to say. In the natural world, moose and polar bears live in two different biomes, which means they have a nigh to impossible chance of fighting each other. But if, in the creative minds of us humans, this fight was to occur, it is highly likely that the polar bear would be the winner.

Where does a polar bear find its food?

The polar bear is depended on the arctic ice pack to hunt seals. With the disappearance of the ice pack polar bears are quickly becoming extinct. I have seen a polar bear attempt to prey on Walrus and get mangled by the tusks of the great beasts. There is a small population of Polar Bears surviving at Moose Factory Manitoba living off of the town's garbage dump.

What kind of omnivores live in the Arctic?

The polar bear and the walrus are two herbivores in the Artic.