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your dog might have mange and you need to keep it away from any pets you sulfur from a pet market and rup it all over your pet or on all your pets if they have been in contact with it.make sure you follow the directions on the back of the bottle of sulfur.

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Q: What should you do about are dogs scratching until they bleed?
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How are dogs kept in England?

They are kept in tunnels and whippes with belts until they bleed They are kept in tunnels and whippes with belts until they bleed

Why do your dogs whiskers bleed?

The main possibility is scratching due to the mange. Mange is a disease of the hair follicles, which would include the whiskers, and should be seen by a vet because it will spread across the dog's body.

How does dogs bleed?

Dogs bleed the same way people bleed. When they have a cut or any other injury that breaks the skin they will bleed.

When do you give dogs frontline?

When they start scratching themselves.

How do you know if your dogs got fleas?

It keeps on scratching itself.

Why do dogs have to have a cone?

Sometimes its to keep them from scratching, biting, or licking a wound or infection.

When dogs malt does it cause them to scratch?

Dogs don't molt, they "shed," and normally shedding shouldn't cause a lot of scratching, but some scratching might be caused it. Lots and lots of scratching means that the dog may have a skin irritation (bug bite, poison ivy, eczema, hot spot infection, etc.), so look closely at the skin where the dog is scratching and consult with a vet.

What to do if dogs bleed from nose?

Go to the vet immediately its not bad for humans but its bad for dogs

Can female dogs with ovaries left have a bleed cycle?


Why do dogs have hair on there legs?

dogs have hair on their legs for many reasons.To keep their legs insulated and warm.To protect them from undergrowth scratching their skin .

What are the symptom's for dogs getting fleas?

Scratching, sores, biting and licking areas that appear infested.

How do dogs act when they are pregnant?

Dogs will not act any different when pregnant until the week they are due. And by then you should be able to tell.