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It could be an allergy or maybe something a little more serious. Check out the 'Dog's runny nose' link on this page for some of the reasons for a dog's runny nose.

it might have a cold or an allergy to something where you live. take it to the vet and get it checked out. or call the vet and see if there is some medicine or something that you can give him.


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10y ago

Dogs normally have a small amount of clear transparent nasal discharge; this is simply the nasal passages clearing out foreign material such as dust from the inhaled air.

If your dog is sneezing out a lot of snot, particularly if the snot is opaque and colored, this can be an indication of an infection or inflammation in the nasal cavity. If it doesn't resolve on its own in a week, or there are other signs of systemic infection such as fever, decreased appetite, decreased energy, vomiting or diarrhea, you should take your dog to a veterinarian. Otherwise, keep a close eye on him and do NOT give him any medications unless prescribed by your veterinarian.

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15y ago

Just a runny nose is not something to suggest a dog is sick. There needs to be more symptoms for a dog to be considered sick. If the dog starts to show other signs that are not normal, you can call your vet to ask questions.

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16y ago

No it is just a case of the common cold

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15y ago

Yes, dogs are supposed to have wet noses, it means they're healthy

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Q: What should you do for a dog that has a runny nose?
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