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First, don't ever take anything that might be in concentrate form without knowing the dilution. First, try rinsing out several times a day with warm salt water (2 tsp salt in 1c tap water). Swish and gargle, Swish and gargle, Swish and gargle, then spit it out -- don't swallow it. Do this for a few days. If it doesn't improve get it looked at. During this time, avoid acidy foods. And just as an odd idea, if you don't have a milk allergy, try swishing about a shotglass of milk around in your mouth, then spitting it out. If you want the chemistry for this idea, let me know.

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Q: What should you do if you didn't know the dilution for using Grapefruit seed extract as a mouthwash and now your tongue is numb taste buds are swollen and it feels anything will give you tiny cuts?
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Does grapefruit seed extract kill good bacteria?

Grapefruit extract does not kill good bacteria, it kills fungus and fungal infections. Grapefruit seed extract kills systemic yeast as well.

What is the dosage of grapefruit seed extract that can be taken to treat jock itch?

Grapefruit seed extract can be taken as a strong solution of 15 drops in 1 oz of water.

What is the recommended dosage of grapefruit seed extract?

An extract is made by grinding seeds and pulp into a fine powder. Extract: 15 drops in 8 oz of water. For diaper yeast infections and as vaginal douche: 10 - 15 drops of extract in 4 oz of water. And more . . .

What is the health benefits for grapefruit seed extract?

Grapefruit seed extract have numerous health benefits. They are known as a powerful natural antiseptic, antiviral and anti-fungal agent and possible anti-cancer properties.

How do you use grapefruit seed extract?

Grapefruit seed extract is used to kill fungal infections. It is often a large part of anti candida diets. You can also use it as part of a program to remove parasites.

What is the difference between grape seed extract and grape fruit seed extract?

Hmm. I'm not positive, but I would assume that one is the extract of a grape seed and the other is the extract of a grapefruit seed.

Can you drink grapefruit juice in morning and take lipitor in evening?

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How much grapefruit seed extract should I use to clean food?

For a sink full of water you should use about 25 drops of grapefruit seed extract to clean food. Do not leave the food in the water for long, just put it in briefly.

What are the active medicinal properties of grapefruit seed extract?

Bioflavonoids, polyphenolic compounds, diphenol hydroxybenzene complex.

Does grapefruit seed extract thin the blood?

While the medicinal properties are not fully understood, grapefruit seed extract does not appear to function as an anticoagulant or anti-platelet agent. It is often used as a Vitamin C source, fiber or potassium supplement, as well as an antioxidant. It is believed to protect cells and lower cholesterol levels.

How long does it take a sprayed on solution of grapefruit seed extract and water to kill black mold on wood?

Aboout 10 mins

What is the history of the development of grapefruit seed extract?

Developed by Dr. Jacob Harich, a physicist born in 1919 in Yugoslavia who lived through World War II, he became a doctor and began research into the use of grapefruit seeds as a biocide.