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Q: What should you do if you get into a new and amazing relationship and are very happy but a friend you didn't know fancied you stops talking to you because you're in a new relationship with another guy?
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What would you do if your boyfriend fancied another girl?

If you knew that your boyfriend liked another girl you really should sit and talk with him to see if he is committed to you or if you should end your relationship. Unfortunately when someone begins to like someone else during a relationship the outcome is never good.

Why did rory and dean break up in Gilmore Girls?

The first time it was because Dean said "I love you!" and Rory did not respond

Why did Liam Payne change his hairstyle?

Because he just fancied it for the day.

Has frank iero ever fancied a boy?

Yes he once fancied Gerard Way

What is the future tense of fancied?

The future tense of "fancied" is "will fancy."

How do you write prestidigitation in a sentence?

To perform a magic trick, the magician used prestidigitation to make a coin disappear and reappear in a spectator's hand.

Why would a guy not talk to a girl he fancied even though he is confident?

well there are many situations. A) she is already in a relationship B) he is playing hard-to-get C) he already knows that the girl is not into him

If you've fancied someone for five years and never fancied anyone else could you be in love even if you're only twelve?


Who First invited fashion?

The first cave woman who fancied herself in her new outfit, coupled with the first cave man who fancied her in that outfit.

Synonym for liked better?

prefered, fancied

Who fancied Nora Batty?

Compo Simmonite.

Why did William and Harold have a battle?

because he was William wanted to be king and he wasernt it was Harold so he had a battle then he wad jelourse because his wife fancied him