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take it to the vet.

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Q: What should you do if you have 2 baby hamsters that are like 2 weeks old and they are barley moving?
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Related questions

After hamsters are born how old should they be before giving them away?

hamsters should be at least 5 weeks old, never earlier

When can your newborn hamsters leave his mother?

they should be aroud 3 weeks or 4

Can you sell baby hamsters when there 3 weeks old?

You should wait 5 weeks then separate them by gender and start selling them.

When should you separate 2 hamsters?

at the max 6 months and at the minimum, 8 weeks

How old do baby hamsters have to be till you give them away?

it depends on the type of hamster you get. you should give baby hamsters away when they are two or three weeks depending n your type of hamster if it is a syran hamster you should give the babys away at two weeks other hamsters you can give it another week

If the mom hamster died how long should the baby hamsters be kept together?

About 6 weeks.

Can you take the hamsters away from mom at 3 weeks?

You should probably wait 3-4 weeks before selling them or giving them away.

How old do hamsters have to be to play in their ball?

Baby hamsters leave there mother at two weeks old. They should not be separated from her until around 6 weeks old, so I would wait until this age before you try this.

When can hamsters produce babies?

Your hamster has to be 12 weeks old and it will take around 3 weeks till the hamsters are born.

How old do baby dwarf hamsters have to be until you can give them away?

Dwarf hamsters reach sexual maturity around 4-5 weeks, which means they can get pregnant at that time. If you do not want a bunch of pregnant "baby" hamsters you should separate them before 4-5 weeks. At 3 weeks they are weaned and don't need their mom anymore. You can find happy new homes at that time.

Why does it take 5 weeks for a hamster to have there babies?

A hamsters pregnancy is never 5 weeks. The gestation period for most hamsters is 15 - 18 days Not 5 weeks !

When should baby hamsters be taken from the mother?

When they are completely weaned and can eat on their own. Around 3 to 4 weeks.