


Barley is a cereal grass that is grown mainly for its seed, and comes in two main varieties: two-row and six-row. The seeds are used for animal feed and beer production, and is used in soups, among other things. Any questions about barley can be asked and answered here.

437 Questions

What are some of the adaptations of barley?

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Barley has adapted to grow in a wide range of climates and soil conditions. It has a shorter growing season compared to other cereal crops, making it suitable for regions with cooler climates. Barley also has a strong tolerance for drought and can thrive in semi-arid conditions.

What branch of life science would corn and barley go with?

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Corn and barley are commonly associated with the discipline of plant biology or botany, which is a branch of life science that focuses on the study of plants, their structure, physiology, genetics, and interactions with the environment.

Is Barley a herb or shrub?

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Barley is a cereal grain, not an herb or a shrub. It is a member of the grass family and is grown for its edible seeds which are commonly used in cooking and brewing.

What conditions does barley need to grow?

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Barley needs a cool climate with temperatures between 40-70°F (4-21°C) and well-draining soil. It also requires full sun exposure and periodic rainfall or irrigation. Additionally, barley grows best in pH-neutral to slightly acidic soils.

What are the parts of the barley plant?

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The barley plant consists of the roots, stems, leaves, spikes (flowers), and grains (seeds). Each part plays a crucial role in the growth and development of the plant, leading to the production of barley grains.

What is the species name of barley?

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The species name of barley is Hordeum vulgare.

How many cups is 2 ounces of barley?

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1/4 cup

1 cup = 8 ounces

1 ounce = 0.12 cup

How many bags per acre of barley equals one ton?

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The number of bags of barley per acre that equals one ton will vary depending on the weight of each bag. If each bag typically weighs 48 pounds, then it would take around 44 bags per acre to equal one ton (2000 pounds).

How is barley pollinated?

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Barley is a self-pollinating plant, which means it can pollinate itself. The male and female reproductive organs are located within the same flower, making it easier for pollen to reach the stigma for fertilization. Barley plants rely on the wind for pollen transfer rather than insect pollination.

Is barley used to brew Corona beer?

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No, Corona beer is not brewed with barley. It is brewed with malted barley, corn, hops, water, and yeast.

Who is Old Bill Barley in Great Expectations?

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Old Bill Barley is a character in Charles Dickens' novel "Great Expectations." He is Joe Gargery's uncle and is known for his kindness and simple way of living. Old Bill Barley provides a fatherly figure for Pip and treats him with care and respect, contrasting with the harsh treatment Pip receives from his sister and her husband.

Do BloodClan leave barley's barn?

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Yes. Firestar, current leader of thunderclan helps ravenpaw get it back.

Which poem begins On either side the river lie Long fields of barley and of rye?

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The poem that begins with "On either side the river lie Long fields of barley and of rye" is "The Lady of Shalott" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson.

After the clans left the Forest what happend to Ravenpaw and Barley?

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Asked by Tangletalon

After leaving the forest, Ravenpaw and Barley settled in a barn where they lived peacefully together. Ravenpaw visited ThunderClan occasionally, but ultimately chose to stay with Barley. They remained close friends and supported each other through various challenges.

How is barley malted?

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Barley is malted by soaking it in water to make it sprout. After that, it is dried to stop the sprouting process. It helps in turning starches in barley into sugars. The malted barley is then cleaned and prepared to be used for making things like beer. This method is essential because it creates the sugars needed for fermentation in brewing.

What is the Latin name for barley grass?

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Asked by GaleEncyofAltMed

The scientific name for buffalo grass is: Buchloe dactyloides

How do you cook barley?

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Asked by Kamuna

Rinse barley first using a strainer. Pick out any debris that might have made it through processing.

Step 2

Allow barley to soak overnight in water if you want to reduce your cooking time. Use two cups of water for each cup of barley.

Step 3

Decide whether you'll be using water or broth to boil your barley.

Step 4

Use 2 1/2 to 3 cups liquid to 1 cup barley. Add your liquid to the pot.

Step 5

Bring water or broth to a boil.

Step 6

Add barley to boiling water or broth and stir together. Cover the pot with a lid and reduce the heat to low. Cook for 15 minutes if you pre-soaked your barley overnight. Otherwise, cook your barley for 35 to 40 minutes.

What is the angle of repose of common grain wheat barley?

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26 to 30 degrees for both. 28 degrees is most often used in design.

What is the other name of Barley?

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Hordeum vulgars

Where was barley first grown?

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Barley was one of the first domesticated grains in the Fertile Crescent, the area between the Tigris and the Euphrates.

Is barley a vegetable?

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Barley is cereal grain developed from the annual grass Hordeum Vulgare producing 136 million tons a year