



How many varieties of rice are there? Why are whole grains better than refined grains? The Grains category can help answer the important questions about this very important food group.

859 Questions

Is there iron in quinoa?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, quinoa contains iron. It is a good source of plant-based iron, which is important for red blood cell formation and overall health. Incorporating quinoa into your diet can help contribute to your daily iron intake.

What are the physical characteristics of the yucca plant?

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Asked by GaleEncyofAltMed

The yucca plant has long, sword-shaped leaves that are usually stiff and pointed at the tips. It also produces tall flower spikes with bell-shaped white flowers. Yucca plants are known for their drought tolerance and ability to thrive in arid environments.

What are the physical characteristics of the yarrow plant?

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Asked by GaleEncyofAltMed

Yarrow plants have feathery, fern-like leaves with a strong, aromatic scent. They produce clusters of small, daisy-like flowers on tall, slender stems. The flowers can be white, yellow, pink, or purple depending on the species.

What are the physical characteristics of the hops plant?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hops plants are perennial vines with rough serrated leaves and cone-shaped flowers. The flowers contain lupulin glands, which produce the bitterness and aroma essential for brewing beer. The vines can grow up to 25 feet tall and require a trellis or structure for support.

What are the physical characteristics of the gentian plant?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gentian plants typically have bright blue, trumpet-shaped flowers with a fringed edge. The leaves are opposite, and the plant grows in a compact, bushy form. Gentians can range in height from a few inches to several feet, depending on the species.

What are the physical characteristics of the corn plant?

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Asked by Wiki User

Corn plants typically have tall, slender stalks with long, flat leaves. The plant produces tassels at the top, where the pollen is formed, and ears of corn lower down, each covered in husks. The kernels, which are the edible part of the plant, grow in rows on the cob.

What are the physical characteristics of bloodroot plant?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bloodroot plants have distinctive lobed leaves and delicate white flowers with bright yellow centers. The plant's roots contain a red-orange sap, giving the plant its name. Bloodroot plants typically grow to be around 6-8 inches tall.

How many grams of protein are in 100 grams of quinoa?

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Asked by Sarahi

Quinoa contains around 14 grams of protein in 100 grams of cooked quinoa.

Is quinoa a legume?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, quinoa is not a legume. It is actually a seed that is harvested from a species of plant in the amaranth family. Quinoa is considered a pseudocereal due to its nutrient profile and culinary uses.

What is quinoa called in Gujarati?

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Asked by Wiki User

Quinoa is called "કીનોવા" (Kinova) in Gujarati.

How tall does an oat plant grow?

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Asked by Wiki User

An oat plant typically grows to be around 2-4 feet tall, but this can vary depending on the specific variety of oat and growing conditions.

How many tons of water does it take to produce a ton of grain?

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Asked by Wiki User

It takes about 1,300 tons of water to produce a ton of grain, considering irrigation, processing, and other factors. This large water usage highlights the importance of efficient water management in agriculture.

What are the advantages of planting wheat year after year?

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Asked by Wiki User

Planting wheat year after year can lead to improved soil structure, increased levels of organic matter, and higher yields due to fewer weeds. However, it can also lead to a buildup of pests and diseases specific to wheat, as well as nutrient deficiencies if not properly managed. Rotation with other crops is generally recommended for maintaining soil health and overall productivity.

What does maiz mean in English?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends on what language it comes from, but considering the categorization, I assume you mean from Spanish. In that case, it means corn.

What is quinoa in gujarati?

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Asked by Wiki User

Quinoa is called "ક્વિનોઆ" (kveenoa) in Gujarati.

What characteristics do all grains have in common?

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Asked by Wiki User

Grains are seeds of grass-like plants that are high in carbohydrates, including starch and fiber. They contain important nutrients such as B vitamins, iron, and magnesium. Grains are a staple food in many cultures and provide energy for the body.

What conditions does barley need to grow?

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Asked by Wiki User

Barley needs a cool climate with temperatures between 40-70°F (4-21°C) and well-draining soil. It also requires full sun exposure and periodic rainfall or irrigation. Additionally, barley grows best in pH-neutral to slightly acidic soils.

Is Maize a CAM plant?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, maize is not a CAM (Crassulacean Acid Metabolism) plant. Maize follows the C4 photosynthetic pathway, which is different from the CAM pathway in terms of carbon fixation and timing of metabolic processes.

Is maize a edible plant?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes. Maize (corn) is a staple food all over North America. Crops used for human consumption are specialized sweet corns and very tender. And that's not all. It is also grown to make a sweetener called high fructose corn syrup which actually has a higher glycemic index than sugar made from cane. Maize is also grown to make alcohol for use as a motor fuel. And, it is grown to make feed for animals.

How much does a ton of maize cost?

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Asked by Wiki User

The price of a ton of maize can vary depending on factors such as location, quality of the maize, and market conditions. On average, the cost of a ton of maize can range from $150 to $300.

How many bushels of wheat equals one ton in Australia?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Imperial bushel is roughly 3% larger than the American bushel. In the United States there are 36 to 37 bushels per ton of wheat, depending on moisture content, variety, and other factors. So in Australia, there would be 3% fewer bushels, since the bushels are larger. That still works out to about 36 bushels per long ton.

Is maizena and maize meal the same?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, maizena is a brand of cornstarch, while maize meal is a type of flour made from ground maize (corn). Maize meal is more coarse in texture and is commonly used in dishes like pap or ugali, while maizena is a fine, powdery starch often used as a thickening agent in cooking and baking.

How is barley pollinated?

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Asked by Wiki User

Barley is a self-pollinating plant, which means it can pollinate itself. The male and female reproductive organs are located within the same flower, making it easier for pollen to reach the stigma for fertilization. Barley plants rely on the wind for pollen transfer rather than insect pollination.

Why do corn flakes have so much sodium?

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Asked by Wiki User

Generally speaking corn flakes have a lot of sodium because it helps make the cereal taste better. Sodium is a flavor enhancer that helps make the cereal taste salty and crunchy. Additionally it acts as a preservative to keep the cereal fresh for a longer period of time. In order for a product to be shelf-stable and have a longer shelf-life manufacturers typically add more sodium to their products.

The following are some of the most common reasons why corn flakes have so much sodium:

  • Flavor Enhancement - Sodium helps make the cereal taste saltier and crunchier.
  • Preservation - Sodium acts as a preservative to keep the cereal fresh for longer.
  • Shelf-Stability - Having a higher sodium content helps make the product shelf-stable and have a longer shelf-life.

In conclusion corn flakes have a lot of sodium for a variety of reasons such as flavor enhancement preservation and shelf-stability.