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Normally goldfish are peaceful and calm.But incase your goldfish is doing so then its better to separate the new goldfish.

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Q: What should you do if you just got a new goldfish and it keeps sucking your old goldfish?
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Do goldfish eat ell?

no what sort of question is that just feed it fish flakes it keeps it healthy and happy

How many degrees should a carnival goldfish stay in?

Just room temp should be fine goldfish are tough so it doesnt matter to much

What Should you feed your common goldfish?

Thee are special flakes labeled just for goldfish readily available at most stores.

Goldfish are Swimming close are they mating?

If one is behind the other and is swimming between the tail you will see him spit out eggs and he is sucking them out to fertilize them. If there are no eggs then perhaps they are just close and happy :)

What should you feed to your goldfish to make him grow big faster?

trout pellets, they make the goldfish grow larger, faster, just a couple a day

How do you swallow a live goldfish?

Just because you see your goldfish picking up gravel in its mouth does not mean the goldfish is actually swallowing gravel. In all probability the fish is simply rolling the gravel around and sucking the algae and whatever else is attached to it and eating that.

Can different size goldfish be in same tank?

Yes! Goldfish are not canabilistic and will not actively hunt and consume other goldfish that are smaller than them. Unless thay are like goldfish fry in which case they will absoloutely be eaten. But i doubt you would have bought goldfish fry so you should be just fine!

This boy keeps making fun of you what should you do?

Just ignore them. They probably just like you.

Is Justin Bieber a goldfish?

IF you mean literally a goldfish, no. Just no. Otherwise provide information on what you mean by a "goldfish".

Can goldfish wee?

All goldfish can, just like all mammals can.

Are goldfish compatible with other goldfish?

Yes, they are. Just be sure to not overcrowd their tank.

What does it mean when your goldfish has red scales?

It means your goldfish has a type of disease called herpes, and no, not the type you're thinking of. This is a type of herpes known only to goldfish. They get it when they have sex with a rock in their fish bowl. You should get your goldfish checked for herpes right away. You don't have to go to a vet though, just suck on it's fins and it should be fine. If it tastes like salt, then they're fine. But if it tastes like vinegar, your goldfish has herpes. Hope this information helped.