

What should you do if you rub glue all over yourself?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Call an ambulance and they will take you to the hospital to do something

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Q: What should you do if you rub glue all over yourself?
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Where is glue gun made?

Glue guns are made in factories all over the world.

Is glue flexible?

Some glue is flexible, some is not. -The term 'glue' covers over a hundred formulas, theyare all different.

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which glue should you STICK with?

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If you use an all purpose glue or synthetic glue it should be fine.

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just eat the super glue first

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Take some markers and apply a coating of them on the dip in the spacemaker box, then go all over the dip in the crayonbox with the glue stick. Wet white elmers glue works best, but if you put a lot of the glue stick on, it should be okay.

Controvery over To Kill a Mockingbird?

You should read the book (it is good), then you could answer all these questions yourself.

What is the definition of a Adhesive Glue?

All glues should be 'adhesive'. It simply means 'something that will stick' -and a glue is not much use if it won't stick.

If I don't remember getting the ticket for public urination who I should call?

The council and be sorry you peed all over yourself. ---- ----

Where does glue get made?

Glues get made in glue factories all over the world. All of these factories experiment and try to d=find new glues all the time. If you ever look at the glue shelf in big stores, you see new and often better glues appearing weekly. Recently, Elmer's added a new spray glue to their products.

What type of glue is better elmers white glue or elmers clear glue?

I have worked with kids of all ages with different projects, and the best glue I have found is clear. For some reason, I don't know the science behind it, I have NEVER had problems with clogging in the bottles when using clear. However, the white glue will clog until the bottles are unusable. Some people think I am crazy and say there is no difference, but try it for yourself. Especially if you are working with young kids, save yourself the trouble, and get clear.

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Because not a lot of people want to be around a crazy wacko who gets angry all the time