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All I can say girl is although your heart is certainly breaking I am so pleased you found out about this now and not later! I know this has come as a shock to you and there are always signs of someone cheating on another, but most of us are so in love we don't see those signs (because we don't wish to see them) so don't beat yourself up over this and feel like a fool. This type of thing happens more than you think. It is also highly probable this guy is afraid to commit to marriage and could be making the whole thing up. Whatever his excuse kick this guy to the curb. You deserve better! From my own experience I always found that although I may not see the meaning in the hurt I'm feeling over certain things, later when it passed and I got over it, I ended up in the future much better off and so will you. There is that special someone out there that will give you all the love you deserve. I was married before at the age of 21 to someone I thought the sun rose and set on. It wasn't too long into the marriage when he became verbally abusive and eventually physically abusive. It took me 3 1/2 years to see the light, but instead of looking at it like wasted years, I learned a lot from that experience. I moved out, got a new job, new friends and filed for divorce and although my heart was breaking I did move on. It gave me a chance to know who I was and to know what my strengths and weakness' were. I sure knew what I didn't want! LOL I dated and had fun and also fun with my girlfriends, but, one day, that special someone came around the corner and I've been married to him for 34 years and still feel the same about him. We are best friends. Good luck hon Marcy

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Q: What should you do if your boyfriend said he wants to marry you but after a few months he told you you were great and the best ever but he hasn't been truthful and he's marrying someone else?
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