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dont give a f**K shes your girl man and if they dont like her then stop being friends with them cause they would respect your gf more then you if they really were you friend If you are dating this girl, it must be because you think there is something special about her, obviously you don't think she is ugly or you would not have asked her out in the first place. Your friends sound like they are being judgemental and cruel. Maybe they are even jealous because you are in a relationship that makes you happy and they aren't. It takes a real man to stand up against his friends for something or someone they believe in. If this girl makes you happy, don't let some immature guys tease you out of dating her. Tell your friends when they make these comments that it's not cool. Remind them of how disrespectful it is to you and to her when they speak this way. If they refuse to stop saying these things, I suggest you re-evaluate the friends in your life. No true friend would stand in the way of your happiness or put down someone you care about.

Besides, you never know, she may be the girl who grows into a stunningly beautiful woman with the world at her feet. Don't miss out on what's important in life over a few small minded people.

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Q: What should you do if your friends don't think your girlfriend is good looking?
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