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Q: What should you do if your gum is bleeding from a spacer?
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What vitamin cause bleeding gum?

no vitamin causes bleed gum it is the deficiency sign that causes bleeding gum..

Are bleeding gums a sign of gum infection?

the description given, are the most common signs for a gum infection, you should contact your dentist if it is very painful, to get the inflammation treated.

What does it mean when a gum is inflamed and bleeding when you floss on one tooth?

it means your gum is have gum diesease

Should you use a spacer when having a asthma attack?

There is one way that one can appropriately use a spacer when administering asthma medications. A spacer is used by attaching the spacer to the inhaler.

What happens when you put a tampon in your mouth to stop your gum bleeding?

There is no harm in putting a tampon in your mouth to stop your gum from bleeding. If you're bleeding that much, an early appointment with your dentist would be wise.

What is the first stage of gum disease?

bleeding gums

How do you stop your gum frombleeding?

A easy and quick way to get your gum to stop bleeding is to have lukewarm water with salt in it, then gargle it.

What is one of the first indicators of gum disease?

The most telling signs of early gum disease are swollen gums and bleeding.

Is it normal for gum to bleed when you grind your teeth?

no if your gums are bleeding when you gtind your teeth you may have gum disesase consult you dentist asap !

What do you do when you got your tooth pulled out and its still bleeding but you want to go to bed?

If the pulled out tooth was intentional, then just keep swilling your mouth out and sucking the gum where the tooth just came from. You should not go to bed with your mouth bleeding seeing as its quite easy that way to drown on your own blood whilst asleep. Lovely isn't it? But if it was not intentional, then push your tooth back where it came from in the gum because then there is a chance that it will stay there and that it will grow back in to the gum

Where can you buy a spacer?

Where can you buy a spacer

Bleeding after tooth removal?

this is normal and normally you should be given a compress to apply to the gum, but check it out with your dentinst just to be sure.