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Tiger Barbs should ideally not be kept with angelfish, as they are slow moving and long finned - and therefore tempting to nip at. This can cause great stress to the angelfish, so the tiger barbs should be moved to a separate tank if possible. Alternatively, if the first option is not possible, a constant food supply should be maintained to give the barbs something else to do and distract them from fin-nipping.

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Q: What should you do when the tiger barbs in the tank are starting to nip at the angelfish?
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What should you do when your tiger barbs are starting to nip at your angelfish?

try getting more tiger barbs to keep the other ones company as when they are in large groups of maybe six or seven they are less likely to become troublesome in the tank, if this doesn't work you will have to remove the angelfish or the barbs

Would a assorted veil angelfish work well with two green tiger barbs?

Yes they would. In a compatibility chart on, it was seen that angelfish will work well with barbs. Your welcome

75 gal tank with 3 platy and 5 tiger barbs can you put angelfish in?

I have seen stranger combinations. However, keep in mind you may very well lose some fins. Either the barbs on angels or platys, or angels on platy or barbs.

Your angelfish is gettin his fins nipped by other fish how do you help him?

It depends on what kind of fish is nipping his fins. If it's another angelfish that is larger than him, i would move him to another tank, and feed him extra, until they are the same size. i breed angelfish and have had to do this several times. if it's some other fish, such as tetras or tiger barbs, the best thing you can do is move one or the other. Angel fish can't really be kept with tetras or barbs, because the barbs think that the angelfish's fins look tasty. the angelfish will be much happier without the offending fish.

Can bettas live with barbs?

Most Barbs - no. Tiger Barbs, Green Tiger Barbs and Ruby Barbs - a DEFINATE no! they will nip it to pieces! Other Barbs I'm not so sure about - do some research, but most Barbs - no!

Do Dwarf Gouramis go good with Tiger Barbs?

No, tiger barbs are aggressive fin nippers.

Are tiger barbs warm or cold blooded?

Tiger barbs are tropical fish and are cold blooded.

Where do tiger barbs originate?

Tiger barbs originate in parts of southeast Asia, including Borneo and Sumatra.

What kind of fish can live with tiger barbs?

Other barbs and fast swimming fish e.g. danios. I have them with rosy barbs, angelfish, gouramis, ropefish and plecos. However, if you try this be sure to keep a close eye on them. My angels actually boss them around so the barbs don't mess with them. But again its your risk, also make sure the angels and gouramis are almost adult size.

Do tiger barbs eat guppies?

It depends how old they are. Tiger barbs will eat young guppy fry. Tiger barbs will attack adult guppies if the water is overcrowded. However, they won't eat adult guppies.

Should tiger barbs be kept with tetras and cichlids?

Yes they can. I have that mix and they are all doing great.

What does tiger barb eat?

Tiger barbs should be fed a good quality tropical flake food. You can get them online for a good price at