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You shouldn't draw her. But you should draw some to her favorite things. She will love it.

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Q: What should you draw for a girl who you like for her birthdayi am not good at drawing peoPle help...?
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Simple cartoons are fun to draw. Try drawing a dancing strawberry.

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U should try drawing a worm,hippo, or giraffe

How long has drawing been around?

drawing started when cave people used to draw pictures to show what they were trying to say.

Why did people draw?

Because they wanted to share to the world art on a paper. (a drawing) :)

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Present - I/You/We/They draw. He/She/It draws. The present participle is drawing. Past tense - drew. Future tense - will draw. going to draw. am/is/are drawing - I am drawing my picture tomorrow

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You should take sketching classes or drawing classes if you would like to learn how to draw.

What is a good idea for a drawing?

When doing a drawing it is best to draw something that inspires you as the artist. There have been many famous drawings of nature and country sides. The best idea are the ones in your skill set, if you draw people well then that will be your best drawing.

What should i draw a picture of for legalism?

You should draw something your good at. Start by drawing simple everyday things like a dog or a cup. Then start adding more detail each time you draw it. Now when you want to draw you know what to draw!

What kind of electronic drawing tablet should you get for on the go if i want to draw?

You could get an iPad and get an app for the drawing and then use it for other things too.

Why is it possible that several people examining the same drawing?

If you like someone's drawing, they can draw, and if you don't, they can't. Simple as that! And that simple belief is able to ruin your dreams about drawing.

What is painting or drawing?

People draw to express the feelings inside them others draw because they like it and yet others are just bored.