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hi I'm 15, and sol first of all I eat at the most 1 and a half hours before practice, and I usually half an apple and some peanutbutter. Whatever you do, do NOT eat something like a whole meal because the more you eat te longer it takes to digest and the food just kinda sits in your tummy and it's soo annoying. I've made that mistake many times and I can't do anything at gymnastics or I feel like I'll puke! Keep it light foods, bagels are very good too they're easy to digest my brother eats those before cross country meets. No chips either!

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11y ago

A gymnast should eat all healthy things. Not fatty things and not fast food. They have to eat healthy or else they become tired and their gymnastics skills will decrease.

Gymnasts should eat healthy things with a lot of protein. Protein gives you the energy. Foods like meat, fish, eggs, beans, tofu, soy milk, cereal, cheese, yogurt, and nuts.

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11y ago

Gymnasts should eat healthy breakfasts. For example, cereal with milk and fruit or yogurt with granola along with juice to drink.

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