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you should eat healthy stuff like apples, bananas, Oranges, grape fruit, also eat stuff with lots of protein

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Q: What should you eat before wrestling?
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What kind of work did Undertaker do before wrestling?

He was a bouncer at a night club

What did Dwayne Johnson due before enterting pro wrestling?

Dwayne Johnson played football before entering the WWF. He played in high school and college.

What place wrestling is played .what we call it?

A wrestling stadium is a venue where wrestling can be staged. The arena where wrestlers fight is called a wrestling ring.

When did the rock start wrestling?

The Rock started wrestling around 1996.

Is Randy Orton going to continue wrestling?

he will not continue wrestling because he injured his back.

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Should you eat McDonald's 2 hours before soccer?

no not smart ive ate mcdonalds before my wrestling match and almost lost to a GIRL.....

When should you eat before competition?

You should not eat right before a competition becuase you may feel nervous and throw up. You should at least eat 30min. before a competition

How much does it cost for wrestling headgear?

Sports Authority sells wrestling head gear it ranges from 13.00 to 45.00 but a wrestling coach should have told you before your child started cause I believe head gear is a requirement.

Can you eat a meal before or after working out?

You should eat a Meal before you start your workout and after

When should you eat before a competition?

a athlete should eat something healthy before having a game maybe something with carbohydrates and a bit of fat to get the energy rising

Should you shower after you eat?

No, You Should Actually Eat Before You Have A Shower, Better For Your Digestion.

Should patients not eat before coronary stenting?

After midnight the night before the procedure, the patient should not eat or drink anything.

Can people eat before a nephrostomy?

Patients should not eat for eight hours before a nephrostomy

What should you eat before eat 1.7 mile run?

You should eat a bannana, a handful of raisins or hashbrowns

Should you eat before taking accutane?

Yes, you should eat before taking accutane. If you don't, overtime it will burn a hole in your stomach.

How can they practice wrestling?

they eat each other

What was the name before world wrestling federation?

World Wide Wrestling Federation.