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A heartworm positive dog requires a balanced diet just like any other dog and unless the parasites have lead to changes in heart function and congestive heart failure, there is no need to change from a balanced adult dog food. If congestive heart failure secondary to heartworm infection is present then a diet designed specifically for Heart disease in dogs is recommended. There are different veterinary diets on the market recommended for this condition and pet owners should consult their vet to find an appropriate diet.

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Q: What should you feed a heart worm positive dog?
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Should you feed a dog before you worm them?

no you should feed them during you worm them.

How danger the effects of microfilaria in dogs?

Microfilaria is a form of heart worm. If your dog is heart worm positive and the worm is not surgically removed the dog will die from it. Microfilaria clogs up the blood vessels in the heart and cause the dog to just collapse one day from heart failure.

What do you feed a worm?

you can feed him apples or carrots

Can a dachshund puppy get bitten by a mosquito?

Of course a dachshund puppy can be bitten by a mosqueto. Just about anything can be bitten by a mosquito. Mosquito bites transmit the heart worm parasite. Heart worm is deadly to dogs. Puppies should be started on a heart worm preventative to kill any microfilaria (baby heart worm) that are injected by the mosquito into the dogs blood stream. Don't let your dog get heart worm. It can be very dangerous and expensive to treat and will kill your dog if its not fixed.

What worm causes sever damage to a dogs heart?

Its called a heart worm you can have your dog tested if negative start it on heart worm medicines if the dog has heart worms there are treatments for this also

Is parvo the same as heart worm?

No, parvo is a virus, not a worm.

Does a segmented worm have a heart?


What does the heart do in the worm?

It has aortic arches which are objects similar to hearts. There are four aortic arches in a single worm.

Does a fecal exam always detect worms?

It should detect anything other than heart worm.

Why say feed meal worm to your beardie then say you should not feed them to it?

I can think of no reason why you can't feed meal worms to your beardie (bird). Though a little now and then, alongside the normal diet, is probably best.

What do to if a kitten has heart worm and is left untreated?

Cats and dogs can die it heart worm is left untreated. Call your vet.

Can you worm horses with rhubarb?

Do not feed rhubarb to animals