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You could name your chihuahua Bo, Rusty, Rosco, or Baxter. Think of other names that have to do with the dogs personality or color.

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Q: What should you name your puppy male black and brown chawawa?
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Why does a black male dog and a brown female dog make a black puppy?

Black is the best!

Color of puppy bowel movements?

The color of a puppy's bowel movements is typically dark brown. Occasionally a puppy's bowel will be a green or black color.

How do you tell if a puppy is black or chocolate?

these colors usually only apply to labrador retrievers. if the puppy has all black fur, than he is a black lab, if he has all brown fur than he is a chocolate lab.

What color is puppy bowel movement?

It can be yellow-green, brown, black, or a mix of those colors.

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Then I think you would have a chocolate lab.

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Yes, the pigment in a bi blue puppy's nose typically darkens with age, transitioning from pink to black. This transformation is common in many dog breeds as they grow.

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The fur is usually black with brown eyebrows and tipped brown paws my best friend got one and the parents where silver and brown but the pups came out black and brown or black and tan which ever. look them up on and put Yorkie Puppy

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BNBRFS56750467H67GBHOthat was the brown sugger puppy code

Can a black puppy turn white?

Yes, oh course, we don't know what genes a dog might have way back in their breed that might produce brown puppies.

Should a white lab puppy have black rimmed eyes?

Yes, this is normal.

Is is normal for a puppy to vomit brown fluid 5 days after eating rat poison and given treatment?

This is common, but not healthy. The brown fluid is digested blood, indicating the puppy is bleeding into its stomach. You should talk with your veterinarian about this.

What should i call my french bulldog puppy he is black and white?

call it michael jackson