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The question is too vague to answer, particularly since if it means what I think it means it depends on YOUR circumstances.

They're probably trying to ask you how much travel you would consider acceptable, should you get the job. Since you didn't know this, I'm guessing you've probably never held a job of that type before, so let me be more clear here: by "travel" they mean "we want to send you out to customer sites and conventions and all manner of long days, hard work, and being away from home at our convenience, not yours; you'll probably be staying in the cheapest motel that we can find (not that it matters, you won't be spending any time there anyway since you'll be putting in 16 hour days... at least if you're on salary so we don't have to pay you overtime), and you'll get a per diem food allowance that will cover, maybe, Denny's or the local equivalent. Oh, and you can expect to do the bulk of the actual travelling on the weekend, so you can be there ready to go bright and early Monday morning, but fortunately (for us) you're probably on salary so we don't have to pay you anything for travel time, let alone time-and-a-half for working on what's supposed to be your day off."

You have to decide how much of that you can tolerate. 50%? 25%? It's up to you.

(And yes, there certainly are jobs involving travel that are not as miserable as all that, but if this is your first one you shouldn't count on one of those.)

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