

What should you use for betta fish nest?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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You don't make them a nest. The male will blow his own bubbles, and that's only to store eggs in. Although if he's not good at it, floating a leaf or the rim of a styrofoam cup on the surface will help him anchor the first bubbles.

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Q: What should you use for betta fish nest?
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Betta Fish are carnivores and should not be fed veggies. They should eat pellets made specifically for them. (I use Betta Bites). Also never feed them flakes! Their upturned mouths make it hard to eat them. Also onece in a while you can treed them to freeze-dried blood worms!

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Use a ruler and check every month

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I would definitely not do this. The chemicals from the paint can be extremely toxic to the fish and can possibly be fatal. If you want your betta to stay healthy, do not use paint in their tank!

Can you use a pothos plant for your betta fish bowl?

you posibily could but i wouldn't suggest it.

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Beta fish just go to the bathroom like we do just in their thank or bowl.