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Q: What should your Vo2Max be?
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What percentage of MHR should exercise intensity be to improve VO2max?


What is relative intensity?

Means Exercising at the same % Vo2max

What is best male exercise to lose weight?

exercise at a 65% vo2max

What does a vo2max measurement reveal?

The amount of oxygen the lungs can hold at full capacity

Is a VO2Max of 25 very bad?

Literally terrible. Good would be 60+

What is the best test to estimate the VO2max of a severely obese individual?

Astrand-Ryhming Test (I just had this question on my final).

How does weight loss affect VO2 max?

Since VO2max is based on weight, you could just simply lose weight to make you VO2max instantly go up. Of course, this isn't advised as a method of improving VO2 max for most runners since losing weight for the sake of losing weight could compromise your health.

Do most people reach VO2 max or VO2 peak?

Generally, VO2max is a better predictor of aerobic performance and has been studied more thoroughly.

For the athlete in training an important factor which determines the total amount of physical activity is?

VO2max. This is one important factor (regarding lung function) which determines the total capacity for physical activity, along with muscle conditioning, nutritional factors and others.

What is a good representation of good cardiorespiratory fitness?

The gold standard measure of cardiorespiratory endurance is maximal aerobic power ( VO2max). It is the highest rate at which the person is able to consume oxygen during exhaustive, sustained exercise.

What is christiano ronaldo's vo2max?

Athletes use the VO2 max test to prove fitness levels it is a fitness test which is completed by measuring the maximum amount of oxygen that your body uses during maximum exercise for a period of a minute. Cristiano Ronaldo is rumored to have a VO2 max test result of 75ml (football clubs don't officially produce these test results) he average male scores 35-40ml.

How is VO2max measured?

VO2 max is the maximum rate of oxygen consumption as measured during incremental exercise, most typically on a motorized treadmill. In general clinical and athletic testing, this usually involves a graded exercise test in which exercise intensity is progressively increased while measuring ventilation and oxygen and carbon dioxide concentration of the inhaled and exhaled air.