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Q: What signals are likely to be aperiodic?
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Please fill this blank Almost all the digital signals are Options1 Periodic Option 2 A-periodic?

Signals are aperiodic because they are not repetitive.

What is the difference between periodic and aperiodic signals?

A signal which repeats itself after a specific interval of time is called periodic signal. A signal which does not repeat itself after a specific interval of time is called aperiodic signal.A signals that repeats its pattern over a period is called periodic signal,A signal that does not repeats its pattern over a period is called aperiodic signal or non periodic.Both the Analog and Digital can be periodic or aperiodic. but in data communication periodic analog sigals and aperiodic digital signals are used.

Difference between linear and circular convolution?

circular convolution is used for periodic and finite signals while linear convolution is used for aperiodic and infinite signals. In linear convolution we convolved one signal with another signal where as in circular convolution the same convolution is done but in circular pattern ,depending upon the samples of the signal

Why cannot aperiodic signal be represented using fourier series?

An aperiodic signal cannot be represented using fourier series because the definition of fourier series is the summation of one or more (possibly infinite) sine wave to represent a periodicsignal. Since an aperiodic signal is not periodic, the fourier series does not apply to it. You can come close, and you can even make the summation mostly indistinguishable from the aperiodic signal, but the math does not work.

What is the reason of using aperiodic digital signal in data communication?


What is the opposite of weekly?

The opposite of weekly is irregularly or sporadically.

One step in a series of steps that take place in a chemical change is a?

it is aperiodic table

What is aperiodicity?

Aperiodicity is the condition of being aperiodic, of something which may occur at irregular periods.

What element of the PSTN is most likely capable of transmitting only analog signals?

The local loop is the part of the PSTN most likely to still use copper wire and carry analog signals.

What is the difference between periodic and aperiodic real-time tasks?

A periodic real-time task is any task where there is a set amount of time allocated to a regularly repeated task whereas an aperiodic task is any task that occurs from a randomly occurring event.

Hazard signals not working and turn signals not flashing in 94 Volvo 850?

More than likely this is caused by the relays. They are both the same relays and anywhere carries them.

Signals wont flash on a 2003 harley?

Flasher relay is more than likely defective.