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By the information from their comments on facebook or twitter like at the name at the bottom then look them up on the facebook or twittter and then the authority will eventually see it and they will be arrested for cyberbullying

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Q: What signs indicate that you're being bullied by a college student?
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How do you know if you are bullied in college?

Well you just know. -they will spread rumors about you -they make fun of you And guys you know if your being bullied

What signs indicate you are being bullied in college?

There are huge signs such as depression, decreased performance in school, thoughts of suicide or suicide itself. Sometimes victims of bullying will avoid being around other people or attending class and become less social.

Is Ritalin being abused by college students?

Yes -college student

What is the reaction time of a college student?

The reaction time of everyone is different. Being a college student doesn't play a role in your reaction time.

How can a B student get into a Ivy league college?

by not being white

What percent of kids in America are being bullied?

10% of kids around the world are being bullied regularly

Is MIKA smart?

He suffered dyslexia and had to be home schooled to avoid being bullied. He later went to to a music college. No can deny he is talented.

What could you do if you where the friend of someone being bullied?

if your being bullied you should face it andget a life

Is Demi Lovatos sister being bullied?

No Her Sisters are not being bullied if you hear that it is just a rumor!

Was Jessie j bullied because of her nose?

No, she was bullied for being different.

What kind of people are being bullied?

people that are being bullied are usually people with special talents or disabilities.