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Paul and the early churchSaint Paul ©

It has been suggested that the work of Jesus Christ and the impact of his death and resurrection would not have made any lasting impact on the world were it not for the missionary work of Paul.

The account of Paul's conversion to Christianity is contained in the New Testament book, the Acts of the Apostles.

Before his conversion Paul had been known as Saul and had been violently opposed to the Christian faith as taught by Jesus and after his death, by his disciples.

Saul experienced a dramatic conversion, known as the Damascus Road conversion, when he was temporarily blinded.

He found himself filled with the Holy Spirit and immediately began preaching the Christian gospel.

Paul's concept of ChristianityPaul's teaching centred on understanding the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as a central turning point in history.

He understood the resurrection to signal the end of the need to live under Jewish law.

Instead Paul taught of living in the Spirit in which the power of God was made to work through human flesh.

Some of his letters to fledgling churches throughout the Roman Empire are contained in the New Testament and outline Paul's theology.

He insisted that Gentiles had as much access to the faith as Jews and that freedom from the Law set everyone free.

It was this teaching which was essential for the development and success of the early church which would otherwise have remained nothing more than another Jewish sect.

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Q: What single person spread Christianity the most?
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