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Q: What size cans does bush bake beans come in?
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Related questions

What is another word for a bean's container?

Dry beans might come in bags or sacks, cooked beans in tins or cans. The plant itself might come in a pod.

How many growing seasons for green beans?

Green beans are a catchall name for variety of pole and bush beans that happen to be green (they do come in other colors). Pole and bush beans are planted after the last Spring frost and depending on the variety can be harvested in about 60 days.

What dry beans come from green beans?

Dry beans are the seed inside a bean pod. Some varieties referred to as shell beans are grown specifically from Dry Bush bean varieties for the large edible seeds. Note: not all beans are green, they come in varying colors and patterns.

How tall should you stake green bean plants?

Green beans (aka string or snap beans, ejotes and haridots verts) come in two versions, bush and pole beans. Bush beans are short, approximately 2 feet high and do not require support. Pole beans are climbers with a twisting vine. I have found that a 6 foot fence is good for my pole beans. Other people may have different preferences, but it is better to have them up off the ground and within easy reach for harvesting.

Where does coco beans come from from?

coco beans come from Colombia

How big does a bean plant grow to be?

The plants of green beans, yellow (wax) beans, soup beans, and dry beans all come in two sizes: bush and pole. Bush beans grow 12-18" inches. Pole beans grow 5-6 feet and sometimes more. (Pea plants also come in two sizes, bush and pole. ) For more information about bean plants and varieties, try one of the good online seed catalogs: many have growing information.

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What are beans made from?

cells, beans, food

What are some foods that come in cans?

Sauces, fruits, veggies, meat, soup, convenient meals. Things like: tomato sauce, peaches, green beans, tuna fish, chicken soup, ravioli, etc.

Were do no bake cookies come from?

A recipe.

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What latin America country does cacao beans come from?

Cacao Beans mostly come from Brazil.