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T6 is a size of Torx wrench, not a hex key size. If you need to fasten or unfasten a T6 size fastener, you should obtain the appropriate tool to do so.

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Q: What size is T6 hex key in mm or inch?
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What aluminum is better 6061 T6 Alumium alloy or aluminum 6061 T5?

If you are going to eat it I recommend the T6. Otherwise not enough information. A similar question would be. What is better, Grape jam or axle grease?

What does the 6061 stand for in 6061 aluminum?

T6 tells us that how the aluminium was treated.

What aluminum alloys or pure aluminum would be strong durable relatively light and salt water resistant for a metal structure?

Pure aluminum is generally too soft and insufficiently strong and rigid for structures. It is a good electrical and thermal conductor, however. How is your structure to be built? Alloy 6061-T6 is a good general purpose alloy, available as bars, plate, and other forms. It is weldable and generally reasonably priced. Alloy 6063-T6 is more common in extruded forms, shares all the advantages of 6061 except it is slightly less strong. If you are cold forming sheet metal, 5052-H32 is a good bet. It is also weldable, but is not preferable for machining (it is actually a little soft for good machining). Alloy 2024 is available in product forms like 6061-T6. It is stronger, but cannot be welded. ASTM A356 is a cast alloy roughly equivalent to 6061. There are many, many others. Some of the 7xxx alloys are very strong, but I'm not so familiar with them (especially in regards to corrosion), and they are higher cost. With any aluminum alloy and salt water present, you need to make sure there are no copper alloys in contact. Brasses and bronzes are common in marine use, and will corrode a hole into aluminum in short order when submerged in seawater.

Are titanium rings made from titanium dioxide?

Commercial (99.2% pure) grades of titanium have ultimate tensile strength of about 434 MPa (63,000 psi), equal to that of common, low-grade steel alloys, but are less dense.Titaniumis 60% more dense than aluminium, but more than twice as strong as the most commonly used 6061-T6 aluminium alloy.

What is the hubble telescope made out of?

How is a telescope made?A telescope is a device used to form images of distant objects. The most familiar kind of telescope is an optical telescope, which uses a series of lens-1 or a curved mirror to focus visible light. An optical telescope which uses lenses is known as a refracting-telescope or a refractor; one which uses a mirror is known as a reflecting telescope or a reflector. Besides optical telescopes, astronomers also use telescopes that focus radio waves, X-rays, and other forms of electromagnetic radiation. Telescopes vary in size and sophistication from homemade spyglasses built from cardboard tubes to arrays of house-sized radio telescopes stretching over many miles.The earliest known telescope was a refractor built by the Dutch eyeglass maker Hans Lippershey in 1608 after he accidentally viewed objects through two different eyeglass lenses held a distance apart. He called his invention a kijker, "looker" in Dutch, and intended it for military use. In 1609, the Italian scientist Galilei built his own telescopes and was the first person to make astronomical observations using them. These early telescopes consisted of two glass lenses set within a hollow tube and were rather small; Galileo's largest instrument was about 47 inches (120 cm) long and 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter. Astronomers such as Johannes Kepler in Germany and Christian Huygens in Holland built larger, more powerful telescopes throughout the 1600s. Soon these telescopes got too large to be easily controlled by hand and required permanent mounts. Some were more than 197 feet (60 m) long.The ability to construct enormous telescopes outpaced the ability of glassmakers to manufacture appropriate lenses for them. In particular, the problems caused by chromatic-aberration (the tendency for a lens to focus each color of light at a different point, leading to a blurred-2 image) became acute for very large telescopes. Scientists of the time knew of no way to avoid this problem with lenses, so they designed telescopes using curved mirrors instead.In 1663, the Scottish mathematician James Gregory designed the first reflecting telescope. Alternate designs for reflectors were invented by the English scientist Isaac Newton in 1668 and the French scientist N. Cassegrain in 1672. All three designs are still in use today. In the 1600s, there was no good way to coat glass with a thin reflective film, as is done today to make mirrors, so these early reflectors used mirrors made out of polished metal. Newton used a mixture of copper, tin, and arsenic to produce a mirror which could only reflect 16% of the light it received; today's mirrors reflect nearly 100% of the light that hits them.It had been known as early as 1730 that chromatic aberration could be minimized by replacing the main lens of the telescope with two properly shaped lenses made from two different kinds of glass, but it was not until the early 1800s that the science of glassmaking was advanced enough to make this technique practical. By the end of the 19th century, refract telescopes with lenses up to a meter in diameter were constructed, and these are still the largest refracting telescopes in operation.Reflectors once again dominated refractors in the 20th century, when techniques for constructing very large, very accurate mirrors were developed. The world's largest optical telescopes are all reflectors, with mirrors up to 19 feet (6 m) in diameter

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What speed should one run a 2 inch CNC router in 4 inch T6 aluminum?

A 2 inch CNC router in 4 inch T6 aluminum should run on a 10ipm. This allows the router machine to run smooth and fast. Make sure that the material is 1/2 inch thicker.

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