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One loaf of bread and two fishes. This is not literal, but signifies spiritual feeding of the people's mind.

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We must remember that it was a lunch parcel for a boy, by his mother there were 5 barley loaves so it is small.

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Q: What size were the loaves Jesus fed the 5000?
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How many fish in Jesus feeding 4000?

Two fish and five loaves of bread fed 5000.

What is the bible reference for the 'loaves and the fishes'?

Matthew 14:14-22 describes the miracle where Jesus fed over 5000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish.(Luke 9:130(John 6:9)

What size were the 12 baskets used to collect left-over pieces of bread when Jesus fed the 5000?

The 12 baskets used to collect the left-over pieces of bread after Jesus fed the 5000 were likely around the size of a hand-held basket, typically used for carrying food or other items. The specific size is not mentioned in the Bible.

How may miricals did Jesus perform?

Fed 5000 people with 5 loaves and 2 fish, turned water into wine, raised Lazarus from the dead, walked on water, etcetc

Was the fish Jesus Fed to the 5000 cooked?

When Andrew found the little boy with five barley loaves and there were exactly two small fish.

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Here it was Jesus and not god who fed the 5,000 people.

Where did the disciples of Jesus get the food that they fed to 5000 men?

Jesus told the disciples, "You give them something to eat" and they answered Him, "We have here only five loaves and two fishes". Probably some of the 12 disciples had a small amount of food with them, but not enough to feed 5000 plus people. Jesus takes the five loaves and two fishes and blesses them and then by a miracle multiplies the food into enough to feed the people with some left over. It was a miracle. You can find this story in Matthew 14: 13-21.

Where was Jesus when he fed the masses five loaves of bread and two fish?

The Feeding of the 5000 (aka Five Loaves and Two Fish) took place near the city of Bethsaida. Jesus withdrew there upon learning of the death of John the baptist. The mass of people that had been with Jesus, had followed him to Bethsaida. Upon nightfall, his apostles had requested that he send the crowd away so they could get themselves something to eat. Jesus told them to let them stay and that the apostles should give them something to eat. Jesus took the food, looked to the heavens, gave thanks, broke the loaves, and then fed the entire crowd.Reference: Luke 9:10-17 (Provided below)

Need the scripture verse where Jesus feed 3000 not 5000?

There was not a time, that Jesus fed 3000 people, the other time that He fed the multitude, apart from the 5000, was in Mark 8:1-9, when He fed 4000 people. I hope this answers your question.

Why did many people stop following Jesus after he fed the 5000?

That’s false

Give you examples of miracle of Jesus.?

Jesus healed the sick, helped the blind to see, raised the dead, walked on water, fed multitudes with only a few loaves and fishes, rose from the dead.

What did Jesus do with the leftover fish and crumbs he fed the five thousand with?

Jesus prayed over the food and then fed 5000 people, later five baskets were filled with the crumbs.