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A lot of African-American slaves deserted their masters before and during the American Civil War. They were commonly referred to as "runaways".

Historically speaking, a Thracian gladiator named "Spartacus" led a slave revolt to become a renowned military leader between 73 and 71 BCE. His exploits have inspired many since his era.

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Q: What slaves deserted their masters during a war?
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Slaves deserted their masters during the war?

there was very few who did leave there master

What slaves deserted their masters during war?

the ones that went with harriet tubman the spy

How many slaves deserted their masters during the war?

no one knows how many but alot did.....some were scared they'd get caught and stayed

How many slaves fled their masters during the revolutionary war?

It is estimated that 50,000 slaves fled their masters over the course of the Revolutionary War. The war lasted from 1775 to 1783.

What would happen to slaves during the civil war if they didn't obey their masters?

The slaves' masters would be beaten severely if they didn't follow orders.

Why would slaves in the Confederacy stay at their masters homes during the Civil War even though the masters were gone to war?

Them asters didn't want their slaves to have a gun. If they did then you know what they would do. They would go after their masters. That's why!

Who controlled the slaves during the American Revolution?

Masters controlled the slaves during the American Revolution. Mostly the war was fought in the north then in the south. So the war didn't effect their living really.

Where did the slaves slaves?

well, assuming "did" means to bread, slaves during the civil war had to get permission by their masters and have a child. Most likely the child would therefore belong to the master.

Did slaves join the confederate or union armies during the civil war?

some were forced to fight for their masters but many escaped and fought for the union

Why did most slaves remain loyal to their masters during the war?

Nowhere else to go - unless they were liberated by the Union troops invading that area.

Where was the first black unit in the Revolutionary War?

There were no entire black units until the civil war. Although there were african-american slaves fighting along sides with their masters during battle.

Where there slaves in the Civil War?

Yes. There was slaves during the civil war.