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every turtle grows so i would suggest getting a big cage and any turtle u can afford

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Q: What small turtle that doesn't grow should you buy?
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Your turtle has not grown what do you do?

Well, did you know that turtles grow according to the size of their environment?? If you keep your turtle in a small environment, it will never grow ( no matter how old it gets ). So I would suggest giving your turtle a bigger environment, wait , see if it grows. If it doesnt, you should go see a vet. But most likely, the turtle is not growing because of the space it is in.

How big can a small turtle grow to be?

56 feet

Can you but a male beta with a small turtle?

no!! if the turtle is a baby then sure you can!! but once it starts to grow the turtle will eat the betta!!

Do quarter size small turtles get large or stay small?

Depends on the type of turtle. Most of them will grow bigger then that. But they grow very slow.

Small doesnt grow requires a living host for reproduction?


Which is smaller a musk turtle or a eastern painted turtle?

A musk turtle is in the "small turtle family" the painted turtles can grow to 12 inches and have lovely personalitys,but musks only grow to about 4-5 inches and have a shy personality. I'm going to get a musk soon!!

If the eastern painted turtle gets its leg bitten off will it grow back or get sick and die?

No, the leg will not grow back. You should take your turtle to the vet IMMEDIATELY your turtle could die from blood loss or infection.

What should you feed a 1 pound painted turtle?

1 pound turtle you might not want to be handing much from the salmonella but when they grow up they eat meat. Like small fish can work fine. Cut up hotdogs works to.

Where can you get a baby turtle that will stay small forever?

unknown .do not buy a turtle they look small and cute when you buy them but males grow up to 6 inches and females grow up to 12 inches some good advice if you buy one make sure it is a male

Do turtle shell grow with the turtle?

i think it would grow with the turtle and then when it is an adult the shell would be fully grown

What kind of turtle should you get if you want a small one?

if you are looking for an aquatic turtle, map and musk turtles are generally the smallest. In most aquatic turtles the male stays much smaller than the female. I would suggest Texas maps as the males grow to the maximum of 3.5".

Can a young snapping turtle live in an aquarium with a small amount of water?

You must have a lid on an aquarium holding a snapping turtle and an open area between the lid and the water surface to allow it to breathe.