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qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

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Cavalry, archers, knights, mercenaries....

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Q: What soldiers were used in the Battle of Hastings?
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Who lead the Saxon soldiers to the Battle of Hastings?

Harold Godwinson lead the Saxon army to the battle of Hastings.

What leadership was used by William in the Battle of Hastings?

The Norman's had prepared carefully because they brought with them a mixture of archers, foot soldiers and soldiers on horseback. William made sure his troops were arranged carefully and he used them skilfully in battle.

How many soldiers were there all together in the battle of Hastings?

there was 9,600,964 ish

Why don't the soldiers in the battle of hastings remove the arrows from their shields?

why dont the soldiers remove the arrows from their shields

What was the tactics for the Norman and Saxon soldiers at the battle of Hastings?

Kill each other.

What two things did the English soldiers do best in the battle of hastings?

They had a cunning plan

Where did the soldiers sleep during the battle of hastings?

People don't sleep during a battle. They fight or die. None of the soldiers slept it was only the commanders of the 1066

Why did William won battle of Hastings?

Because he had more experienced and well led soldiers.

Were the fyrd paid in the Battle of Hastings?

No. The Fyrd used at The Battle of Hastings were not paid, however, the housecarls, warriors also used in the Battle of Hatsings were paid for their services.

When was acupuncture first used?

The Battle of Hastings

What animals were used in the Battle of Hastings?


Answers to battle of hastings?

heya the battle of the is google and type in battle of hastings