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Q: What sound db level is a sheep baa?
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How loud is 60 db?

60 dB sound pressure level is about conversational speech listened in 1 meter distance.

What is the difference between dB HL and dB SPL?

dB HL stands for decibel Hearing Level, and dB SPL stands for decibel Sound Pressure Level.

What sound level damages your hearing?

90 db

Db is the unit of sound level please tell you full form of the same?

Db stands for "decibels".

What is the maximum sound level is safe for human ear in DB?

What is the maximum sound level is safe for human ear

If one lawn mower causes an 80 dB sound level at a nearby point what sound level at that point would four lawnmowers together cause?

84 dB at that point

What level of sound is Dangerous?

A dangerous sound is anything that is 85 db (decibels) or higher.

What is sound intensity measured in?

Reference sound intensity Io = 10^−12 W/m² (Threshold of human hearing). Reference sound intensity level LIo = 0 dB-SIL (Threshold of human hearing intensity level). The sound intensity I is measured in watts per meter squared. The sound intensity LI level is measured in decibels (dB).

What is the dB rating for pain threshold?

If you mean the sound pressure level that causes pain, it is about 120 dB SPL.

What does 70 dB sound like?

Given: Sound intensity level LI = 150 dB. Reference sound intensity Io = 10^−12 W/m² (Threshold of hearing) Reference sound intensity level LIo = 0 dB-SIL (Threshold of hearing level) Get sound intensity I when entering sound intensity level LI = 150 dB: I = Io×10^(LI/10) in W/m² = 10^−12×10^(150/10) = 1000 W/m².

What is the decibel of a whisper?

About 20 dB SPL (sound pressure level).

What is optimum sound level for human being is?

40-60 db