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Q: What sound did the shepherd make to call his sheep?
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That umm doesn't make sense...

Why do sheep make the sound bah?

Because Jordyn Carde trained all of her animal minion sheep freinds as a call of terror!

What noise sheep make?

Sheep make a "Bah" sound, it can also be referred to as a bleat.

What is the name of sound a sheep make?

it bloats A sheep makes a bleat, similar to a goat.

What Sound does sheep make?

they make a baaing sound

What sound does a sheep makes?

Bleats, can otherwise be known as a baa sound.the sound that sheep make is bahActually, it is BLEAT. It can also be the characteristic cry of a goat or calf. Bleat can be the verb to utter the cry of a sheep, goat, or calf. bleating, bleated, bleats

What creatures make these sound baa?

Sheep are usually considered to sound like "baa".

What sound do sheep make?

They go "baaa, baaa"

What sound does a male sheep or ram make?

it bleats

Pig is to grunt as sheep is to?

Baaah. Baaing is the sound that sheep are known to make. BAAA

What is the opposite of shepherd?

Linguistically speaking, "shepherd" is a noun and it has no opposite.The opposite gender (not often used) is shepherdess (female shepherd).The opposite of the verb to shepherd could be to desert or to neglect.Metaphorically, the opposite of "shepherd" would be "sheep". This compares a person who acts like a leader to a person who acts like a follower. The word "sheep" sometimes implies that a person follows others because he/she does not have the judgment to make a decision by him/herself.

What is the different between sheep and goat?

Sheep can get confused with fibre goats. All goats' fur doesn't have lanolin in it, goats fur is usually referred to as hair, while sheep's fur is always called wool. Sheep are grazers and goats are browsers. Sheep do not have horns, unless they are Big Horned Sheep. A goat's horns don't curl as the Big horned Sheep's horns. Sound: Sheep usually make a 'baaaa' sound and goats usually make a 'maaaa' sound.