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If you're not under the influence of any drugs/alcohol than you would know if you hit a person, it would be pretty loud even if you were going 10mph.

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Q: What sound will you hear if a car hit a people?
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Yes you can hear it. I was on a phone with someone that got hit in a hit and run from the rear and could hear a boom sound.===========================You would hear it UNLESS the cell-phone was the point of first impact,which is very unlikely.

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Anything you hit makes a vibration. Vibration=Sound. I guess it depends how hard you hit the object (in this case metal) you will be able to hear the sound. But yes, they do make a high pitched sound when you hit them (some so high pitched you will never be able to hear them).

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What? Did you say something?To answer this question you would have to speculate. Sound has always existed for as long as any documented records show. Society evolved with sound. Maybe a better question would be, what would society have been like with out sound?Answer It has made people hear cars about to hit hem sothey don't die and lets you hear movies and other people so you can work together!

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I believe you meant Cajon, which is a percussion instrument consisting of a box and a few strings on the upper corners. The Cajon makes a sound just like all other drums you can play, you hit it. The vibrations exit the sound hole in the back and you hear the sound. The same thing goes for the snare part of the Cajon. You hit where the snares are located and the snares vibrate, releasing the sound you hear when you hit the drum.

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Because the light traveled faster then the sound of it hitting the ground.

What kind of a receptor is a hearing receptor and where is it located?

they are located in the ears and are used when vibrations hit your ear drum and it comes to you as sound and the time it takes to do this can be instant to you but it does require something to hear people with hearing loss or deafness don't have the ability to hear as good as they are born without or with bad ear drums that don't function like people who can hear.

If you hit two metal bars together in outerspace would it make a sound?

Yes but there you would not be able to hear it because of there are no sound waves because there is no air

Why can you see someone hit a ball before you hear the sound produced when you are a few hundred meters away?

spped of light faster thann the speed of sound

What happens to sound waves when they hit a fixed end or the wall?

Some sound will get through, which is why you can hear sound coming from the nest room. And some sound will also rebound, which is why an echo is often formed in mountainous areas.