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Q: What source would a mapmaker most likely use To make a map of small streams in an area of thick vegetation?
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What To make a map of small streams in a area of thick vegetation what source would a mapmaker most likely use?


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what is the source of the streams that flow from the Alps?

What source would a map maker use to make a map of small streams in an area where there is thick vegetation?

Well, a map maker would probably use a "stream-finding-duck" to waddle around the thick vegetation and quack out the location of small streams. Or maybe they would use a "stream-seeking-parrot" to fly over the area and squawk out the location of the streams. Or maybe they would use a "stream-detecting-hamster" on a little wheel to run around the area and squeak out the location of the streams.

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Streams(also rivers) come from seas and head into land and tend to make a loop.

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Streams, rivers, lakes, ponds, puddles

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rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, and obviously rain