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Primary sources.

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Q: What sources are the original records of an event?
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What are the primary sources of information give atleast three examples.?

Primary sources of information include original documents or materials that provide firsthand evidence of an event or topic. Examples include diaries, letters, photographs, speeches, interviews, government records, and artifacts.

What are the 2 classifications of historical sources?

The two classifications of historical sources are primary sources and secondary sources. Primary sources are original, first-hand accounts of an event or topic, while secondary sources are interpretations or analyses of primary sources created by someone not directly involved in the event.

Primary sources don't include?

interpretations or analysis by others, but rather directly capture original and unfiltered information or data. They are firsthand accounts or records created at the time of an event by individuals who experienced or witnessed it, such as letters, diaries, interviews, photographs, or historical documents.

Are textbooks and biographies examples of primary source?

No, textbooks and biographies are examples of secondary sources. Primary sources are original materials created at the time of the event or by someone with firsthand experience, while secondary sources analyze, interpret, or summarize primary sources.

What do primary sources include?

Primary sources include original documents or artifacts that were created at the time of an event, such as letters, diaries, newspaper articles, photographs, and government records. These sources provide firsthand accounts or direct evidence of a particular historical event or period.

When was Wallis Original Records created?

Wallis Original Records was created in 1952.

When did Wallis Original Records end?

Wallis Original Records ended in 1998.

Primary sources sources of information used by historians are?

Sources of information about history are what is written, what is said, and what is physically preserved. These sources include original documents, autobiographies, memoirs, published source collections, essays, books, letters, diaries, artifacts, newspapers, historical photos, journals, documentary films, oral testimony, censuses, tax records, and city directories.

What are the sources of non traditional sources of demographic data?

Non-traditional sources of demographic data include social media profiles, mobile phone usage data, satellite imagery, and geolocation data from apps and devices. These sources can provide valuable insights into population behaviors, movements, and characteristics that may not be captured through traditional census surveys.

What is an original documeant or first hand account?

An original document or first-hand account is a primary source that provides firsthand knowledge or direct evidence of an event, object, person, or work of art. These sources are created at the time of the event or soon after by someone who directly experienced it, making them valuable for historical research and analysis. Examples include diaries, letters, photographs, and official records.

Is it true or false that a secondary source is a persons first hand account or an event or happening or an original document.?

False. A secondary source is a source created after an event has occurred by someone who did not directly experience or participate in the event. This includes interpretations, analysis, or reviews of primary sources.

How do you get a event from a friend in platinum?

mix records