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Sources of information about history are what is written, what is said, and what is physically preserved. These sources include original documents, autobiographies, memoirs, published source collections, essays, books, letters, diaries, artifacts, newspapers, historical photos, journals, Documentary Films, oral testimony, censuses, tax records, and city directories.

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actual records that have survived from the past.

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Q: Primary sources sources of information used by historians are?
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What is one term for one kind or source most used by historians to answer questions about the past?

Primary sources are used commonly among historians. A primary source of information is an account from someone that was present at a certain time or event.

Why do historians have to evaluate the primary and the secondary sources they used to answer their questions?

to be happy

Why do historians have to evaluate the primary and secondary sources they used to answer questions?

to be happy

How do historians investigate history?

Present day historians investigate the histories already written by: * checking the resources used by historians who have written about a particular subject; * by investigating any sources that were overlooked; and * searching primary, secondary leads that may bring to light new sources of historical information.

The two different kinds of sources used most by historians to answer questions about the past include what?

primary and secondary sources.

What do the two different kinds of sources used most by historians to answer questions about the past include?

primary and secondary sources.

Why is it to read critically the works of early historians such as herodotus or thucydides?

Early historians often used information from unverifable sources.

Why is important to read critically the works of early historians such as herodotus or thucydides?

Early historians often used information from unverifable sources.

Why is it important to critically read works of early historians such as Herodotus or Thucydides?

Early historians often used information from unverifable sources.

Why is it important to read critically the works of early historians such as Herodotus or Thucydides's?

Early historians often used information from unverifable sources.

What historians think about Augustus Caesar?

There are three categories for historians and their source material: Primary: ancient historians existed at the time of the event Secondary: ancient historians existed after the event and analysed/used primary sources modern: Modern historaians who use either of the above majority of the primary sources do not criticize Augustus and idolize him, in contrast some secondary sources like Tacitus hate Augustus Overall however it is agreed(by many modern historians) that Augustus was emperor because of his freinds Marcus vipsanius Agrippa and Gaius Maecanus. The primary sources(historians) were either sychophantic or terrified of persecution by Augustus, the Secondary sources are also biased because they were hired by patrons with vested interests in Augustus's depiction. In short thereare a range of views all with their own bias.

When reading a primary source of historical information what do you not have to look out for?

You do not need to find the sources that were used. Since it is a primary source it does not need any outside sources.